Sep 1, 2010

William Wednesday

You must have all sent well wishes after William's rough week, because this week he was much happier and back to normal. I'm kicking myself right now because there have been a few times this week when I've thought, 'I better write that down for William Wednesday' and then I still forgot. But I'll try to rack my brain here as I ramble.

I hear almost daily now from either Kim or Jennifer about how much Helen and William love each other. This morning, I saw it first hand. I was running a little late so Kim was already on the floor playing with a few babies, and when Helen saw William she turned around and gave a huge grin as I sat William down. Then, William leaned in towards her and giggled as he smiled at her too. Kim said "yep, that's how they are all day". Interesting.....
Did I mention one day William wouldn't stop grabbing her butt because there were ruffles on her bloomers? Yeah. Slightly concerned here. Terror alert level is at orange.

This weekend we had a blast, and we really didn't do anything. We hung out at home, ran a few errands, Austin and I went to a fantasy football draft while William stayed home with Kaila...but I had TONS of fun playing with William. He's a riot! On Saturday he painted pictures for his uncles that they should get in the mail today or tomorrow...since none of them read this, I won't be spoiling the surprise. He had tons of fun with the finger was just a bit of a chore getting it on the paper :)
On Sunday after we'd spent too much money at costco (somehow coming home with 3 new outfits for William, including his halloween costume!) I had to lay him in the crib so I could run to the bathroom. Wonderful post-childbirth bladder. Austin was on his way upstairs so I just said "He's in his crib". Apparently by the time Austin got to his room - and let me tell you our house isn't a mansion, it takes about 5 steps to get from the stairs to his room - he was on his way out of the crib. Soooooo upon my return from releasing the fury I played basketball with William while Austin lowered his crib mattress down to the floor. What a big boy!

His uncle Brandon and Aunt Dana gave him this basketball game when he was just a wee lad in my belly, and I have been itching to get it out for him! It may be hard to tell, but there are 2 basketballs, a net, 2 spinning numbers on the top, a boingy (???) cheering fan on one side, a plastic basketball that slides up and down on the other...I think that's about it. The absolute last thing he cares about on the toy is the actual basketballs. No interest in putting them in the basket, he just wants to tug on the basket so the fans cheer and clap. He loves it! Austin showed him how to slide the plastic basketball up and down while I showed him the spinning numbers, so between all of that he is gaining no knowledge of the ball-in-the-basket concept. Oh well, he has a blast!

One complaint here: why can't fisher price figure out that toys should be weighted on the bottom? Invention idea here. William now has this toy and another fisher price toy that he inherited from a coworker of mine - he loves both, he tries to pull on both and he knocks himself in the head with both. They have no weight to hold them down. Is there a reason here? Because I find it frustrating that they are making billions on children's toys yet they can't figure out how to alleviate the problem of the ever-present red mark on William's forehead. Moving on...

William has become very ticklish in the last month or two and Austin loves to tickle him. That's ok with me because he seems to tickle me less - its a win win here. William enjoys it too, which is really what matters. On Friday after Austin had finished feeding him his dinner he was still sitting in his bumbo chair (best invention ever...who needs a messy, clunky high chair?) and Austin started tickling his feet. He immediately leaned back, spread his arms wide and started laughing. Austin would stop, he'd come back to a normal seated position, then Austin would go in again and he'd lean right back into the same position. I got one blurry picture, but when I sat there longer with my phone in hopes to get a more clear image, William noticed the camera was out so he had no interest in playing tickle-time with daddy. He loves the camera! So, a blurry picture will have to do.

And with all the fun and games, its hard to get the boy to nap these days. He doesn't want to waste the time! So his naps usually come in when he's bouncing on daddy's lap, trying to climb on his shoulders into the chair, and then just instantly slumps into a deep sleep. That's our baby :)

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