Nov 9, 2012

I found it! Sort of...

Well, after I got some (less than desired, might I add, thanks for nothing people) feedback on my shopping quandries I decided to bite the bullet and go to Nordstrom's.  I received a lot of emails supporting Alexis's vote for Nordstrom, and the best advice I got was from Kristine that she's found a few nice pieces are better than a lot of junky pieces.  So - ok, fine.  I decided I'd give the expensive stuff a try.

Let me tell you, if someone were to write a tv show based on me in the dressing room of Nordstrom, it'd win an emmy for sure.  It was less than comical to me, but I'm guessing to any onlooker it would have been highly amusing.

First of all, most price tags had my jaw on the floor.  I had picked up a teal cardigan and when I saw the tag said $50 I said-  OUT LOUD - "you want $50 for this sheet of fabric with some sleeves???"  But, then I tried it on.  It was like I had just climbed into a bed at the Ritz Carlton. (or so i imagine)  It was so soft!  Most comfortable top I have ever put on and then I said "wow, you ONLY want $50?  I'll take it!"

Second, I was pulling things on an giving myself the curious eye in the mirror, trying to determine if things even matched, if I was wearing them'd think I had just come from the 1800's and was curious where the balloon skirts had gone.

And so my shopping commenced.  I learned a few more things about my shortcomings in the shopping world:
I can not build an outfit (on my own) to save my life.
I wear solid colors not because I'm boring, but because I know how to match solid colors.  Stripes and patterns scare me.
I am more comfortable in a world where shoes are just black and white, but I really want someone to come show me how to rock out some bright, bold shoes.
Expensive pants really do make curvy butts look better.

I went into the day telling myself I was allowed to spend $500.  I left after spending $300 and that was begrudgingly.  Baby steps I suppose.  But thanks to their half-yearly sale and an awesome salesperson, I got a few real steals!  $40 used to be my magic price - anything above that is too expensive, and half of my items still fell in that happy range.  I was quite pleased.

All in all, I am a fan of Nordstrom clothes on a sale day. The shoes, however.........

no, can't do it.  Back to DSW I go.

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