Feb 23, 2011

William Wednesday

I used to tell Austin, during his last deployment, that it was worse for me than it was for him. He was the one with a new adventure, as dangerous as it may have been, while I was the one at home with an empty piece of my life.
This time, hands down I have the better end of the deal. Because no matter how much I miss Austin, I have William. He has made the last few months, and especially the last few days, more bearable than they would have been otherwise. He gives me motivation to wake up, reason to keep going, and his infectious laugh brings a smile to my face like no other. A lot of people seemed concerned that I had an entire weekend, a long weekend at that, with no plans but William made the weekend a blast.
On Saturday the highlight of the day was going to the park. We woke up, had breakfast, played a little bit and watched some cartoons. William hasn't been too interested in cartoons yet, but he did watch a little bit this time. After lunch I got him strapped into his stroller and we headed down to the park with Layla. We had gone to the park once before when he was about 5 months old, so to his knowledge this was his first trip to this particular playground - but he was not at all shy or scared. He went straight for the stairs to climb up to the top of the slide, and he knew exactly what to do when he got to the top. He flipped his body around and slid down the slide, feet first, on his tummy. He did this a few times until I walked him over to the swing to show him that.

He liked trying to kick me when he was in the swing and make me fall backwards (or pretend to) He laughed harder and harder each time, and it was so adorable watching him wiggle his legs more and more to try to get me. After I thought we were done on the swings I got him out, he did the slide one more time, then went back to the swing for more.

We spent about 45 minutes at the park, most of which he was climbing and running around, so when we got home he drank a cup of milk and fell asleep for over 2 hours! What a great nap :) We may be spending LOTS of time at the park this summer before naptime!

Sunday we tried out a new church and William went to nursery. He didn't enjoy me leaving him, but once I was gone they said he had a lot of fun. In the baby room they have a little playhouse with a slide, so apparently he spent a lot of time going down that slide too. After church we played some more at home for the rest of the day. I told you last week that he was learning to stack his mega bloks together, and this weekend he figured out how to stack them on the dumptruck that they came in. There are spots on the dump truck to hold the blocks and he figured out how to position them to make them stay. Still just 2 or 3 at a time, but he's learning fast and he plays with the blocks a lot so I'm sure he'll be building in no time.
Much to Austin's comfort, William has been reaching towards our family picture every time we pass by, smiles and says "DADA!" Last night I was trying to teach him to blow kisses to dada but he just thought I was being funny. He still babbles a ton, but the only recognizable words are mama and dada. He seems to know what they mean, but sometimes says them without referring to Austin or myself.

One of the funniest moments came on Sunday afternoon. William and Austin had been playing a game where they blow spit bubbles or make raspberry sounds or whatever you want to call it. They'd go back and forth for 20 minutes just making the noise. Well, on Sunday we were playing with his blocks and Layla was near us. Layla let out a little toot (not so little, she's a big dog you know) and without skipping a beat William blew his spit bubbles as if he and Layla were now playing a game. I don't think he even knew where the sound came from, but I sure was cracking up!

He's been climbing up the stairs for awhile but this week he has mastered climbing down too. He goes down on his tummy mostly, but sometimes he holds onto the spindles and just takes steps down. It scares me every time because I think he'll fall, but he never does and I think he enjoys giving me a scare. Its difficult to get him to go all the way down, though, because once he's halfway down he just wants to climb back up!

Another development first for him came Monday night when we were playing with his ball popper. First of all - some toy manufacturers are genius and put volume controls on their toys. Fisher Price: please improve this on your next version of the ball popper. It is WAY too loud to be played over and over and over and over...and over. :) There are 5 balls with the ball popper and when it really gets going the balls fly all over the place. The purple ball ended up too far for me to reach so I pointed to it and said, "William go get the purple ball" At first he just looked at me, so I rolled another ball towards the purple one. Then I said it again and he walked right over there, picked up the purple ball and brought it back to me. Then I said, "William can you get me the red ball now?" and he did! I was very impressed. The days of "William go get mommy some water" are upon us :) Just have to teach him to fill a cup and carry it without spilling. Maybe we'll start with "go get mommy the tub of blue bell" :)

That about sums up our week. LOTS of playing and exploring. Life with a little boy is never dull, that's for sure. And when William wants something, look out cause he's gonna find a way to get it!

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