Jun 15, 2010


Do you remember the book "The Berenstein Bears Get the Gimmes"? I generally don't walk into stores and think I need everything in sight, but dammit if the Apple store doesn't give me the gimmes!

We went to the mall on Sunday to pick up a couple of things and thought we'd go stop by the apple store and see if they had a sample of the new iPhone to play with. They don't; they get them the day of launch to keep the suspense. What they did have were tables FULL of iPads. The apple store is always a madhouse, but I have never seen it so packed! We saw people leaving and quickly snagged their spots so we could each play with an iPad. William was content sleeping in his stroller while mommy started reading a book, typed something up in pages (the equivalent of word), made a spreadsheet in numbers (excel), and played a game. I'm not sure what daddy was doing - I was too enthralled in my own fun to pay any attention.

I have no real NEED for an iPad, but I have my mind made up that I want one. They're just so COOL. What will the purpose be? I haven't yet determined that. I have a macbook, and I have an iPhone...the iPad is essentially in between the 2. Do I need a middle man? Maybe so.

Just think, we could take it on road trips so William can watch movies. I could toss it (carefully) in the diaper bag so that I can be occupied while he is playing at gymboree or wherever I take him when he's older. I can...well I'm just searching for logical reasons here but really there are none. I just want it, that's the bottom line.

The only thing stopping me is the price tag. The model I want is $700...that's a lot of money to drop on something just because its cool. I'm sure prices will drop like they always do, and the second version always has the bugs worked out from the first version so maybe I'm better off anyway. But once that price drops to $699...look out! :)

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