Jun 16, 2010

William Wednesday

It is apparently a common thing in the blog world to post "wordless Wednesday" posts with just pictures or things like that. But, I've decided that on Wednesdays when I have nothing specific to say I'll have William Wednesdays and keep you in the loop on what my little prince is doing!

Every day is a day of discoveries for a 4 month old baby, let me tell you. I don't want to blink cause I'm afraid of what I'll miss! William is still very talkative and loves if we repeat the noises he makes. One of the most joyful times of my day is when I can hear him wake up through the monitor because he'll lay in his crib and talk for 20 minutes if I let him. I can't ever let it go that long though, I just have to go see what he's up to. He has learned in the past couple of weeks that the sound of the door opening is associated with us coming in, so he tilts his head backwards to see us and gives us a HUGE grin. At this point he generally has his feet up in the air, hands pulling his blanket up to his face, and his eyes set on us. Once we're in his room, he's back to talking!

He is also mastering the talent of reaching out, grabbing items, pulling them to him and deciding when he wants to drop them. This morning he was cuddling with a little blanket toy that has a stuffed animal head on it (great description, I know) and he didn't ever want to let it go. He took it to day care with him, held onto it as I pulled him out of his car seat, and held onto it when I passed him off to Miss Kim. I'm not sure if he ever finally decided he was done with it, but he likes it! When I got home last night Austin told me William wouldn't let go of the glowworm at school, so we thought we would have to go buy one this weekend. Maybe his puppy dog blanket toy is a sufficient substitute! The other thing he's working on is holding his bottle. Last night he was so intrigued by the fact that he could control the bottle that he kept pulling it towards his mouth, taking one or two sips, pulling it out of his mouth, grinning at the sight of the bottle, then repeating the entire process. Maybe soon he'll hold it and actually just want to DRINK the bottle. :)

I have a few recordings of William laughing and talking, and I wish I could load them on here so you could hear. I know I've said its the most precious sound on the world, but you just have to hear it! Austin is better at getting him to laugh than I am, and when Austin gets him going he just can't stop! Its so precious.

I think his next big milestone will be turning over. When he's laying down, whether on his back or tummy, you can tell he REALLY wants to roll over. He hasn't quite gotten it, but I can tell its coming soon because he is pretty intent on getting his body to move that way. Its pretty fascinating to watch him learn and wonder what is going on in his little brain.

Those are the only updates on Mr. William Wallis that I can think of. I can't wait for my workday to be over, as always, so I can go see what he's going to do today! Maybe next Wednesday I'll tune you in to his fabulous discoveries again :)

1 comment:

  1. I am a huge fan of William Wednesday! I vote to keep it going! Who's with me???
