Jun 21, 2011

INFP. ESTJ, who cares

She's tall, I'm not.
She's blonde, I'm brunette.
She's thin, I'm....getting there.

She's compassionate, I try to be.
She's sensitive, I'm harsh.
She's frilly, I'm bland.

I'm naming all the ways in which Alexis out shines me, but I know there are qualities I have which she doesn't.

I can multi-task, she has trouble completing one task.
I am organized, she needs my organizational help tremendously.

I am witty...ok well I guess we tie on that one. Or at least together we both find each other extremely witty.

Alexis and I are exact opposites in any personality assessment you could find, and we are pretty opposite physically too. In the Myers-Briggs spectrum I am ESTJ: extrovert, sensing, thinking, judging while she is INFP: introvert, intuitive, feeling, perceiving. We aren't the same in a single way.

And yet, we get each other on levels that most people don't get us. We understand each other and have great appreciation for our differences. Even if the only thing she appreciates about my obsessive cleaning is the mere fact that it is a difference :) we provide such a different perspective for each other that I think we make it possible for each other to see things in a brighter light.

We've been friends for 13 years and we've always appreciated these things. I can't imagine not being able to call on her when I need someone to help soften my heart while also knowing that my logistical thinking can't be changed. We allow each other that opportunity, while most people simply want to change the way others think.

There's no one I'd rather slide on the trampoline in the rain with. There's no one I'd rather lock myself in the airport bathroom with while opening a bottle of wine by digging the cork out with a keychain. There's no one I'd rather go with to Latino day at astroworld. There's no one I'd rather have take me lingerie shopping, or fake engagement ring shopping, or any kind of shopping really. There's no one with whom I'd rather drink everclear and sunny delight(though I'd rather just never do that one again) and there's no one I'd want to share a pound of bacon with more than Alexis.

I'm so fortunate to call Alexis my friend, and I honestly can not envision there will be a day when I won't. We started off as different as they come, and nothing has wavered our appreciation, respect and love for each other.

From our adidas sandals with socks, to high heels and pearls we have grown and changed and yet always stay the same. I'm thankful.

Happy birthday Alexis, you old lady.

- manda

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