Apr 16, 2011

Out of My League

You know how some people say they are dating someone who is out of their league? Or they married up? Well, I have a friend who is way out of my league - and today is her birthday!!!

I first met Kristine when she was surely stealing away my best friend. Well, that's what I thought she was doing. We were in our first year of high school and Amanda wanted me to meet her cool new friend Kristine. They already had nick names for each other - I was doomed!

But from the first moment she spoke I knew she wasn't out to steal anyone's friend. She just was so full of love for life and for people that she wanted to make friends with everyone she could.

We had lots of classes together in high school and I was reminded every time how much of an impact you can have on other people's lives just by having a positive attitude. Kristine never spoke down to people (although she certainly could have - she's better than anyone at everything. She just doesn't know it) she always had a smile on her face - truly, always. And her heart had SO much love and concern for the people in her life.

She is the only person, of all my family and friends, who has NEVER missed a February 2nd or a fathers day. She has NEVER failed to call, email or text to just let me know she was thinking of me and praying for me. We may not talk between the two dates at all, but her support is as faithful as the sun. She amazes me with how much she does for others and she is such an example of love.

In college we had weekly wing dates (i never question why I gained 40 pounds in college) we'd meet at wings n more for wings, curly fries, and LOTS of ranch dressing. By far my most anticipated night of the week and I always left there feeling so refreshed and happy. If I were in Houston today I'd take her for wings - sure wish I could.

Kristine is to her friends as Christ was to his disciples; a leader while also being a servant. She gives and gives and never expects one thing in return. I can say I'm a better friend and a better person for having her in my life, even if distance makes it just 2 days a year.

I love you dearly Kris, happy birthday!

- manda

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