Apr 20, 2011

William Wednesday

On Monday I debated changing up my blogging routine and moving William Wednesdays to Mommy Mondays. I am so excited on Mondays about the weekends that we have together, so I just want to write about them. It got me thinking and trying to remember where William Wednesday started, and whether or not I can change it.

Well, I can change it. But should I? As much as I'd love to write on Monday morning about our awesome weekends, it gives Wednesday and exciting purpose and, let's face it...Wednesdays are lacking. So...after debating with myself, I'm leaving it as is. And I know you're thankful that I shared my thought process with you.

The end.

Just kidding, I know you came for more than that. Mainly, for info on him and not on me. So, here goes.

Did we have another wonderfully fun blessedly happy week? Duh. It's William! Of course we had a wonderful week. He was exhausted all week, most likely from the INCHES he was growing, so bedtime was shortly after dinner which was immediately upon arriving home. So, we don't have many fun week-night stories from last week. But things changed on the weekend!

Thursday mornings I take him to Miss Kim's house and she takes him to school with her so that I can take a workout class at 7am. This means he has to wake up an hour earlier than usual though, so I figured he'd be pretty tired. At to that the fact that Thursday night we went to Paul and Janell's house for an Arbonne party (holy moly that stuff is expensive!) and he had a really long day. So, Saturday morning he caught up on some sleep and slept until 8:30! We ate a quick breakfast, my friend watched him while I worked out, then that afternoon we went to a birthday BBQ for a friend. There was another boy there slightly older than William and he kept trying to steal William's bouncy ball, but William was a pretty good sport. He'd just go grab another ball. I felt like quite the prepared mother having thought of toys :) He had a blast playing with the dogs and walking around on the patio outside. He loves being outside...too bad for him I think he has a grass allergy :( He doesn't seem to mind other than my constant nose-wiping!

Sunday we had lunch with some friends at Chili's then went to Sports Authority to get some tennis shoes. I also got a football to attempt to make a father's day present, but William really thought the football was for him. He even took it to his nap later! He has little bitty toy footballs but I guess full size is more fun. He was so cute with it!

Monday we had one of the best week-day's that we'd had in a long time. He woke up in an EXTREMELY happy and cuddly mood. He dragged his blanket with him as I pulled him out of bed and he laid his head on my shoulder while cuddling his blanket. Awake but not quite ready to be up. I loved it :) He had a great day at school and Miss Roland said he LOVED wearing the "dinosaur shoes". It is animal month, and this week's theme is dinosaurs. Cassie had made shoes out of old kleenex boxes and decorated them like dinosaurs, then let the kids walk around in them. They said he stomped around the room laughing and stomped over to show Miss Kim and Miss Jennifer. Monday night I made breakfast for dinner - he had eggs, sausage and french toast sticks. Just like his daddy, I think he'd eat eggs at every meal. He loved it! After dinner he was so happy and playful - and made QUITE the mess. He dumped out his block from his dump truck, his other dump truck, the bag of extra blocks, and emptied his easter eggs everywhere. He then crawled from toy to toy, knocking the blocks and eggs all over the place.

He is working SO hard on trying to talk. Some times you can see the effort in his face and he gets SO frustrated when I don't respond in the way he thinks I should. I can decipher the following:






doggie (i think)


thank you

mine (mine mine mine mine he loves this one)

There are 2 more that he REALLY wants me to understand, I'm just not quite there yet. I'll keep working on it. Clearly I am the one in the wrong, he is doing everything he can. I'll get it.

As for his diet, he has quite the sweet tooth. He'll eat almost anything which is good, but he just loves those sweets! He enjoys:




hot dogs

bananas (a lot)



chicken if it is chopped very finely


sausage and egg burritos

green beans

mexican rice and beans

most things with cheese except generally not mac n cheese (a little heartache for me)


cookies cookies cookies


He's exploring his own personality and independence and its enjoyable for me to watch. So far I've kept my cool when he's tried to throw fits to get his way and I've used pretty good (pat myself on the back) parenting techniques in those times. He is such a sweet and happy boy, and his personality is growing by the minute. He is absolutely the joy of my life!!!

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