Apr 13, 2011

William's Webcam, and other stuff

On Sunday William and I had the priviledge of talking to daddy through webcam on my phone. Austin and i had been chatting while William napped, then when he woke up Austin turned on the webcam so that he and William could see each other. I know I'm just a side note in this equation, and that's fine :)

It took William about 5 minutes to realize it was Austin - it usually takes him a little bit. So for the first 5 minutes I just let him play while Austin talked to him. Then when he made the connection his whole face lit up, he stood up from his toy, stole the phone out of my hands and ran from the front of our house all the way into the kitchen. He was screaming and kissing the phone the whole time. Austin was cracking up, I can only imagine the view he saw was hilarious - bouncing from William's forehead to the ceiling. William did let me take the phone a few times so he could sit in my lap and we could actually see daddy, but then he'd steal it again and run away with it. He was so excited.

I think it is a little confusing for him, though, because the day after webcam is always a little bit rough. He was cranky and somewhat inconsolable Monday night. He's back to his happy self now, but I think he just gets a little confused. Monday night he kept calling my phone daddy and kept reaching towards Austin's pictures as he cried, so I think he just misses him and doesn't understand what's going on. It breaks my heart, but at the same time I love that he is able to see him too.

We had a fun weekend all around. On Saturday we went to the park so William could play. It's been a couple of month's since the weekendweather has cooperated, so it was fun to see how much bigger he was on the equipment than last time. He had fun going down the slide, climbing the stairs, and especially swinging. He loves swinging! Other than a couple of errands we had to run and our trip to the park, we didn't do anything but stay at home and play which was a blast. He made the biggest mess with his toys that he's ever made, and he loved it. I tried to ignore the mess until bedtime, and I think I did pretty good :)

This morning I was handing William his sippy cup and he babbled something. When he was done taking a few sips he handed it back then babbled some more. This took place 2 or 3 times before I realized that his babbling was always the same, and sounded like "ban to"...was he saying "thank you"??? Hmmmmmm guess we'll find out soon if he keeps saying ban to at appropriate times!!! How fun to learn a whole new language :)

He has also mastered 'uh oh'. He says it anytime he drops something accidentally, but also sometimes when he drops things on purpose. One day he was playing in the pantry and accidentally dropped something which made other things scatter. He just said "uh oh" and started picking up. But then Monday night, when we were having our rough night, he THREW his sippy cup on the floor (after I had told him to either drink it or put it down) and then as he saw my face getting mad he grinned REALLY big and said "uh oh" in such an innocent little "mommy don't be mad" voice. I couldn't help it, I cracked a smile. And now I know EXACTYLY how and why my brother Brian NEVER got in trouble. Ever. Not once.

I'm sure I'm missing lots about his week, but the webcam really took the cake. Doesn't mean our week wasn't a blast though!!!

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