Apr 28, 2011

Timothy Thursday

Did you know I contemplated naming William Timothy instead? Bet you didn't :)

What has he been up to...EVERYTHING! We had a week full of Easter egg hunts, satisfying his sweet tooth, eating breakfast burritos - his favorite things :) I did manage to remove the easter egg that he had lodged in our sub woofer, but before I got it out it made me smile and cringe every time I heard it rattling. He loves to put things IN things, so it should be no surprise that the sub woofer is included in this :)

He has started following "commands" very well. I hate to call them commands as if I'm leading an army, but that's what they are right? Yesterday he brought his tennis shoes over to me (did you read that missjan???) so I pointed to his socks and said, "Can you bring me your socks?" He brought one, so I pointed to the other one and said, "Can you bring me the other sock?" He grabbed it, brought it over, then sat down in front of me just like he does every morning when I put his socks and shoes on. Only this time he did it on his own rather than me making him. I was impressed!

He gets excited when the refrigerator door is open because he wants to pull everything out, but I don't really want him to. I know you can't imagine why, with glass pickle jars and hot sauce and things of the sort. So I tried saying, "William do you know how to close the door?" Then he got REALLY excited and closed the door with such pride. AH HA! I have discovered a new trick (for now) If I know he's about to do something I don't want him to, I challenge him to do the opposite. I have gotten him to close the pantry, close the fridge, close cabinets (notice a trend?), put shoes away, put my glasses in my purse, and a few other miscellaneous things. He is so proud when he successfully does whatever I've asked and I clap for him.

Speaking of clapping, I think William has seen Wheel of Fortune well over 200 times in his life. (simple math here, take the number of weeks he's been alive, multiply times 5 and subtract just a few because occasionally we do miss it) Well, last night he chimed in and was clapping along with the contestants. Then when he noticed I wasn't clapping he looked at me like, "What's your problem mom? Come on!" So, we clapped along each and every time that wheel was spun last night :)

His vocabulary has slightly expanded this week too. I can't remember exactly which words I included last week, but here are what I think he discovered this week:
Layla (ay-ya)

Banana (nana)
Doggie (his little stuffed animal that he adores)

He's also FINALLY enjoying blowing kisses. It used to be pulling teeth to maybe possibly get one, but now he's doing it more. He won't do it if I ask, he just stares at me like I'm an idiot, but when HE wants to do boy does he do it! Over and over. Yesterday he stood under our family photo blowing kisses to it for about 30 seconds straight. I assume the kisses were for daddy and not mommy, but hey - you never know :) He still seems to think that anytime I'm texting on my phone its daddy. Really anytime I'm using my phone at all he tries to grab it and says "dada dada". We haven't been able to do webcam in awhile, but hopefully soon we will be able to again.

Oh - let's pause from Timothy news for a minute. I realize I reached out and asked for prayers 2 weeks ago for Austin's mission, then never updated you further. He ended up getting back to his FOB (forward operating base, for future reference) 2 days early and all went well. Praise God! So we were able to talk to daddy and update him throughout the Easter weekend. Holidays are harder for me, so I'm sure they are exponentially harder for him and I know he was glad to be somewhat included. I can report that I had zero meltdowns and WIlliam was absolutely on his BEST behavior. Not one fit. Not one tantrum. Did everything I asked, ate everything I made him, and was especially cuddly the entire week. It was as if he knew...or as if you were all praying and God was gracious (as He always is) So, thanks for your support and prayers. I was at peace all week and had the most wonderful little bear to help me through it.

So I guess it wasn't ENTIRELY a pause from William now was it? Seems the whole world revolves around him, just as it should :) Until next time...

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