May 18, 2012

Everyone has a story

A few days ago we went out to dinner to a local Italian restaurant. One of my favorite things about this area is the lack of chain restaurants. There is a chili's, a handful of McDonald's, and a bubba gump shrimp, but for the most part every restaurant is a mom and pop type place.

We found this Italian restaurant on our first night here and went back for seconds a couple weeks later. We were sitting at a table by the window and I couldn't help but notice an elderly couple outside trying diligently to get the perfect photo by the restaurant's sign. After a few minutes of them changing angles and handing the camera back and forth I decided to go offer to help. I thought maybe they'd want a picture together, assuming they were tourists documenting their vacation.

When I offered to take a picture of the two of them together the wife's eyes teared up. She explained that when her husband was in the service during the war he ate at that very restaurant. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a matchbook that was obviously aged, but held the same Caruso's logo that I saw above us on the sign. He told me that there used to be a very large military presence here and that he had such fond memories of the Monterey area but that it is a different place now. He was
Happy to see Caruso's was still there but sad to know that the military life had diminished in the area.

I told them that Austin is in the army and we are new to the area. I thanked him for his service and for sharing his story and once the picture was taken I went back inside. But his sweet demeanor and story stayed with me.

Everyone has a story to tell if we will take the time to listen. Some may not be so moving, but sweet stories will come in the most unexpected ways.

- manda

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