May 6, 2012

What I've been waiting for

My favorite part of moving...unpacking!!!

I am starting to really like having two houses during this process. Don't get me wrong, I'd still rather we had moved into our final house a week ago and that it was already all done by now, but because that wasn't an option I'm enjoying the 7 days that we have 2!

If William weren't in the picture I would have worked endlessly until it was all done, would have moved all day and night and would be completely out of house #1. But we had to plan it out a little differently.

We decided we would spend most of the weekend moving boxes that we haven't been using, keeping house #1 as in tact as possible. This way William can sleep, eat and play in the same way he has for a week. Then on Monday when he is at his first day of school we will move as much furniture as we can with two people and one truck. Our goal is that by the end of the day Monday all that is left in house #1 is stuff in the garage. Then the rest of the week Austin can bring the remaining boxes/things from the garage while I finish unpacking and organizing at our new home.

Last night I said to Austin, 'man, you married smart - you have a wife who prefers you unpack as little as possible'. Without missing a beat he said, 'you married smart, you have a husband who is willing to make the sacrifice and let you do all the packing and unpacking to your heart's content.' hmm, he has a point...

Project #1: the kitchen! My favorite.

Our new kitchen is slightly smaller than our old one, but with our old kitchen being the definite high point of the house I fully expected that. I think it'd be hard to find a kitchen I like better than our old one. We have a nice kitchen but we have 6 upper cabinets to replace 10 in our old house and the same number of lower cabinets just smaller. So we lost a large amount of storage. I didn't think we had that much stuff though, so I hadn't really been concerned about getting it all in there.

Until I got into box #3. As I was unpacking I kept having these moments of 'oh crap - we have corningware!' and 'oh man, I forgot all about the waffle irons!'...and other revelations that worried me as the cabinets filled up. I came to the conclusion that Austin and I have somewhat of a kitchen obsession. He came to the conclusion that I have a kitchen obsession. You say tomato, I say tomAto...

Moving on.

I had hoped the spice cabinet would be my first one completed. I love spice cabinets and there was one small box labeled 'spices' so I thought it'd be easy to tackle. But the spice racks weren't included, so I had to deviate from the plan. It was second though, and I love it more than I thought I would!

While trying to find the spice racks I unpacked all of the dishes and discovered how much I LOVE our new dish cabinet. It's huge! It holds all the dishes, glasses, mugs, and baking dishes. It's awesome!!! And if it weren't for the random colored mugs I would almost say it belongs in a magazine.

I just realized I took this before adding the last bit of baking ware, but you get the idea :)

After I sighed from accomplishment I looked over into my dining-turned-box-storage room and saw 2 large boxes labeled 'plasticware'. I realized I was going to have to part with some of the odd ball plastic items (like the glad ware for starters) because I only had one more unallocated cabinet and still needed to store Williams dishes and Tupperware. I needed it all to fit into 2 where it used to be in 4. Mission accomplished!

I did box up most of Williams sippy cups since he is now a big boy who drinks from big cups, and the stack of plastic bowls and plates will be higher once we bring the plates over from our temporary home. So I already know I'll be revamping when/if God gives us another baby (we aren't asking God for that today, to quiet the questions) but for now I'm liking the simplicity of my plastic cabinet.

My lower cabinets need some work but they're doing their jobs for now. I have the pots/pans cabinet, baking cabinet, and small appliance/less used cabinet. They aren't picture worthy today...but hopefully someday!

I've never been a fan of things on the kitchen counter. In my perfect world there would be a knife block, a cooking utensil bucket, maybe some sort of decorative item, and a kitchen aid mixer on the cabinet. That's it. But I had to give up the fight a little and find a permanent home for the coffee pot. Austin is laughing inside as he won a fight without trying, but there's just not as much room. So I made it as pretty as I could - I used my Aggie jar to house the coffee contents and make it somewhat decorative.

That was a last minute decision at 10:00 last night so I might reposition it so it's not on the edge, but I just had to show Austin how he had effortlessly won a tiny battle. (maybe I'll use that as leverage to make him concede on the laundry battle)

So that's our kitchen for now! I have one more box of stemware that I haven't unpacked because our armoire that will become our alcoholic cabinet isn't at the house yet.

Uh oh ... Just realized there's no Booze cabinet ...

I may be back to the drawing board sooner than planned :) but for now it's time to tackle another space.

- manda

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