May 23, 2012

William wednesday

William is in his third week at school and doing very well! His first week was filled with VERY hard goodbyes. I expected it on the first day but when the following Monday was as painful I decided I needed to think of some sort of distraction.

I reached back in my brain and recalled that my mom has told me many times how much trouble she had getting me to be happy going to church nursery. She didn't understand why it was so hard because I was fine when I went to preschool. Someone suggested she give me a purse (the quickest way to my heart) and allow me to feel control and independence in going to nursery, rather than feeling like she was dumping me and leaving. And it worked! So, day two of week two I attempted the same thing with William.

I packed what I called his special breakfast bag (it happened to be a Quizno's reusable lunch bag) and when he started to cry in the car on our way to school I said 'do you want to carry your special breakfast bag today?' He wasn't sure how to react - it was as if he was analyzing the situation to be sure I wasn't trickin him - then he whispered 'yeah'. When we got to school he whimpered some but as I pulled him out of Melvin I put the bag on his shoulder and said 'what a BIG boy walking all by yourself carrying your bag!' He instantly beamed with pride and lead me to his classroom.

And the breakfast bag is still holding strong! He has started to dictate what he wants me to put in the bag, which usually includes Hershey kisses or marshmallows, but do far he's still excited about carrying his bag. Today he didn't want to walk though, he said 'William not a big boy mommy carry you'. But he still clinched onto his bag and happily sat down for breakfast.

Another one of our fun morning rituals is the hunt for his gummy vitamin. He didn't understand why he was only allowed one gummy bear and the excitement was too short lived so I started hiding his gummies. Now every morning when he's attempting to stay asleep in bed I remind him that we have to go on our vitamin hunt. The vitamin moves hiding places every day but is always in one of his trucks/cars/buses/other toy transportation devices. Today it was In the ice cream truck, tomorrow it may be the dump truck, who knows. Gotta keep him on his toes!

He recently swindled us to push his bath time from 7:00 to 8:00. After a few weeks of spending 2 hours trying to get him to sleep we decided we were fools. We tried starting at 8 and he was still asleep by 9, and everything was much less of a fight. This also reduces the stress of having dinner at 6:00 on the dot and allows for more evening play time. Better all around!

He hasn't really learned anything new lately but his grammar and speech continue to improve and amaze us. A few days ago he blurted put this sentence:
There's a American flag on top of the man store.
(man store = home depot)
None of those words were new or surprising but the proper structure and complexity of the sentence was incredible. And he just said it as if he's been speaking this way his whole life. Amazing!

He really seems to like our new home/life. Still enthralled with the tunnel and boats, loves seein the water, and loves being able to walk to the park regularly. Correction: we walk, he drives baby jackl!

A few pictures from this week:

Not sure why the frown, he was actually super excited for his haircut in lightening McQueen!

I was trying to get a picture of the rug, he clearly thinks he's my only subject.

He grabbed this little magnet and said 'it fits William!'...I guess he doesn't know about his Blair head yet. Sshhh don't tell!

Today is picture day at school do I bribed him with a Hershey kiss to let me put this shirt on him. Hey, don't judge. At least I didn't force him to wear an argyle sweater vest like his poor friend Roman! (and at least he has an awesome name unlike his poor friend...oh wait, that's mean...)

Here he is, ready for action

- manda

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