We have been in limbo for roughly 2.5 weeks now. We had a week of living at Brian’s house, driving back and forth to Denver, then a week of being homeless, and then we arrived in Monterey to a less than desirable housing situation. Don’t let me fool you – the house we have right now is beautiful and it is much nicer than I ever would have thought military housing would be. But knowing that just down the street is a house that we are qualified for has tainted the current house. So, as I mentioned last week, we decided to wait on unpacking and live amongst boxes until the leasing office got their paperwork in order and granted us the single family home that we wanted.
Me. Living amongst boxes. Can you picture it?
Brittany and her daughter had so kindly (and truly without my permission yes or no) decided they wanted to give their time to help us unpack. So a month ago she bought her tickets according to the plan that our furniture and boxes would be delivered Friday, she would fly in Saturday, and by the time they left Tuesday we would be settled. Clearly that plan went awry because we didn’t unpack a single box this weekend. BUT – had Brittany not been here to be a neutralizer and source of enjoyment, I may have killed someone. THE BOXES DRIVE ME INSANE. I just want to unpack them all and I’d pull an all nighter to do it if I had to. Brittany felt bad flying home Tuesday having not helped set our house up, but she did much MUCH more than that.
It is ironic though that today we were given the green light on the new house!!!
So, we went to the leasing office approximately 5 minutes after they called and we selected our house. The man helping us was going to start going through the list of available E7 houses but I cut him off saying, “don’t worry, we’ve been stalking the list outside the office for 4 days so we already know which house we want”. We made his job pretty easy! He told us we have 7 days to vacate our current house from the time we are given keys to the new house, so we decided to take the keys on Friday afternoon so that I can work all day tomorrow (working for 1.5 more weeks for my Denver company) and then we have the weekend to get the bulk of the moving done.
Item number one checked off for the day.
Item number 2: internet! We are no longer in the stone age, we now have internet. Cell service seems to be unavailable in this house but I have hopes that a few doors down it will be a little better. I seem to have decent service all throughout the neighborhood but when I pull up to our house I lose calls, don’t always get texts, and 3G service isn’t what you’d expect either. I have felt like I’ve been in the stone age (don’t forget, surrounded by boxes) for 4 days. But – that ended today with the arrival of subpar internet. Welcome to the new millennium!
Item number 3: day care! We had our tour today of a day care in Monterey that I had found a few weeks ago. Monday we had found another day care, through word of mouth, and when we went to see it we were both sold. But, they do not have any spots until the fall. So we still needed a place for William in the meantime. William liked the school today and actually walked right up to the kids on the playground and tried to join in on play. He was actually throwing a fit about leaving! So we have him scheduled to start school there on Monday. It is a good school and we would just keep him there for the duration of our time here (assuming I end up finding a job, of course) but it is about 20 minutes southwest of our house near Austin’s work. Most of the jobs I have applied to are about 20 minutes north east of our house. So a more central location for child care would be ideal. We have his name on the wait list at the place we visited Monday and will move him once it opens up.
I don’t have a job yet, but we had committed ourselves to paying for day care through the month of May for William. We thought it would be the best way to make his life feel more normal and routine for him, and would hopefully make the transition as smooth as possible. We also felt like it would give me plenty of time to search for a job, interview for jobs, and get the house set up. William has really been as wonderful as I could have expected a 2 year old to be through all of this, but he is definitely missing the structure in his days and I think he will really enjoy being back in a school setting. My hope is that I have a job lined up by the end of the month so that he can continue going to school.
I did have my interview on Monday with a local CPA firm and I think it went very well! I met with 3 partners, one senior manager, the HR representative, and had lunch with 3 staff. One of the partners was very hard to read, but I can definitely say the rest of the people liked me and I think they all felt I’d be a great fit on the personality factor. I think one partner has reservations about my experience because I have primarily done large corporation taxes whereas most of their clients are small businesses, partnerships and individuals – but everyone else seemed to think it’d be a gap easily bridged. They called me back yesterday and want me to go back in on Monday for a second interview. They are going to have me do a mock tax return of some sort, which I am pretty nervous about. They didn’t indicate what kind of return they would have me do, how complicated it would be, or if I’d do it in a software or by hand – but the idea of a test makes me very nervous. Especially a test for which I don’t know how to study! So please pray for me leading up to and during my test-interview!
So that’s where we are. Still in limbo, still hectic, but getting things settled in. Maybe tomorrow I’ll have time to write about the fun stuff – like our favorite hippie who we were able to share with Brittany! Until then here are some pictures of the beautiful water!

- manda
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