William had a lot going on in his little life this week! He had a little stomach bug Friday/Saturday and he was sent home from Goddard early on Friday. He developed a fever so we called to doctor to see what we should do between that time and his Saturday morning appointment. We put him on a clear liquids diet for the rest of the night and gave him Tylenol, and we didn't even need to use the thermometer to see when the fever broke because his mood definitely told us. He was all of a sudden Mr. Chipper and playful! I didn't like having a sick baby, so when I stopped at target to get some ingredients for homemade diaper cream I got him a football and 2 books. I hope he doesn't get sick a lot because that could get expensive! The doctor told us that after he had a night of clear fluids he wanted us to give him only solid foods on Saturday - bananas, rice cereal, and sweet potatoes. He hadn't ever had the sweet potatoes or bananas - but I think he thought they were pretty fun. Mostly to play with...here he is with sweet potatoes on his forehead. Not quite his mouth, but close right?
Jul 21, 2010
Wonderful, Wonderful William Wednesday
I thought of making this a "wordless William Wednesday" because I have so many pictures I want to share, but that just wouldn't be me. I'll TRY to keep the commentary brief though.
We went to the doctor to make sure it wasn't anything more serious, and it wasn't, so on our way back home I lost the haircut battle. When William was born with a head of hair Austin was already talking about how soon he'd need a haircut. I tried lying and telling him babies legally can't have haircuts until they are 2. He bought it for a month or so, until he heard otherwise. Then it was just a waiting game to see when I'd lost ground. Picture an army storming down the walls of a castle...I could only hold up fort for so long, and Saturday I lost. I shouldn't make it sound so bad seeing as I am the one who made the appointment, and he looks absolutely PRECIOUS with his big boy cut. At first I thought he didn't look like a baby anymore, but then Austin pointed out that his hair now looks identical to his 10-day old pictures...so its hard to say he no longer looks like a baby :) So here is his hippie hair (by austin's definition, anything out of military regulation is hippie hair).
We took him to a place called "Jack and Jill" where he sat in a firetruck (and could nearly sit all by himself which he enjoyed), he watched TV and checked himself out in the mirror. I'm pretty sure he didn't even notice there was some strange lady messing with his hair. Afterwards they gave us (for a small fee) a certificate with a picture and his hair. Daddy was so proud!

He's feeling better now and he is 100% interested in discovering new things. He is on the verge of sitting up on his own - he can do it for a little bit but we can't be far because he topples over. He wants so badly to be able to sit by himself, reach for his toys, throw them as far as he wants and go get them...but he's just not there yet and it seems terribly frustrating. Here he is laying on our bed trying his hardest to crawl.
The biggest thing he accomplished this week came this morning. Austin was holding him on his lap and he was looking at me. I said "where's your daddy?" and without batting an eye he turned and looked straight at Austin, giving him the biggest grin. I'm not gonna lie, I wish it had happened the other way around, but it was still fun to see him make the connection between a word and an object.
This week at school they are going to be working a lot with him on sitting up by himself, and we are going to have them start giving him mid-day servings of either sweet potatoes or rice cereal. Maybe next week he'll have another fun milestone for you - if not, you can just be sure it'll be another week of discovering new things.
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Oh my goodness William! You are getting so big!!! I just want to scoop you up and hug you -- I will settle for virtual besos :) since you are so big I think that you can talk on the phone - I'll call you later!
Aww- he looks like a big boy now!!:) Too cute!