Jul 26, 2010

I LOVE Where I Live

It's no secret that if I had it my way, we would never leave Colorado. Living far away from family and friends has its challenges, but then there are nights like last night that remind me how lucky I am to live in this beautiful place.

Two of Austin's coworkers are PCSing (army code for moving) this week so Austin invited them a few others over for a farewell bbq. Brilliant on a man's part - his work consists of sitting by the smoker all day, making sure there is a sufficient amount of wood chips and the brisket is slowly cooking away while I make sure the house is clean, bake brownies, make beans and potato salad...sounds like quite the trade off huh? :) I enjoy cooking though, and I enjoy having people over so I don't mind a bit. It's also WAY easier to have people over than to go to their house or go out somewhere with William. We have all of his toys and needs at our disposal this way.

After William had gone to bed and every one's bellies were full of food one of the guys who is moving brought out a guitar and started playing. I did not know one single song he played, so I couldn't join in the little sing along (well, I tried once and realized its quite hard to sing a song when you don't know the tune and no one else can carry one...) Instead of singing along, I just listened to the guitar, looked past our house and through the neighborhood into the mountains and night sky. By this time the sun had already set, so the night chill had come and I actually needed to grab a long sleeved shirt. IT IS JULY. Let me pause from the beauty here for a minute to say that if I were in Houston I would still have been sweating, or dripping in the sweat and humidity from earlier. It's doubtful that I would actually have made it that long outside! (unless I were sitting under a cover with fans blowing all over me) The sky was the most beautiful shade of blue, the mountains were perfectly lit to make a picturesque silhouette, and the breeze was blowing in my face. I decided at that point that if I could pause and never leave this place, I'd be a happy camper. It's hard not to see God's beauty every day in a place like this. *The only thing that would have made last night better was a nice patio set rather than our fold up camping chairs!*

Then the harsh reality hit me...the army giveth, and the army taketh away :( I only have one more year here! One more year in our cute little home, one more year to stare off into the mountains, and one more year to enjoy the dry, comfortable climate. I better get busy enjoying it before it gets ripped from my grasp!

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