Jul 7, 2010

Western World Wednesday

William has been a busy, busy boy this week. He's started feeling much better and with that has come a burst of energy and exploration. Yesterday morning I had him in his jumparoo while I made his bottles and he learned that the seat can turn around. I told my mom, "You would have thought he discovered America by the excitement on his face!" May have been more like Alaska, though, because as he turned clockwise he discovered a new toy that has a polar bear in a spinn-able snow globe. He vigorously spun the globe, making the white beads shake all around, and he was SO proud of his new discovery and new skill.

After the first 2-3 days on his new antibiotic we definitely noticed William perking up. He was more energetic and playful, and we were happy to have our joyful baby back. And last night was the first night in almost 2 weeks when he didn't wake up! I forgot how exhausting it can be to wake up every few hours, but it sure felt nice to have a full night's sleep last night.

He is getting stronger and stronger sitting up and he's almost to the point of sitting up for his entire bath. He likes to lean forward and lick the front end of his little tub, which I think is kind of gross, so I tend to lay him back down but I know we need to let him work those muscles. He's gotten his leg muscles so strong by jumping in his jumparoo, and he's started scooting himself along the floor when he's on his stomach. He won't do it unless he has a purpose, so we generally have to have his favorite ball within close reach. Then he'll scoot his little legs to get his body to move (centimeters at a time, granted) until he gets to his ball. If its too far away he gets very frustrated, or if he knocks it farther away he generally gives up. But he's workin on it!

He has also developed a new laugh. More than a laugh, its a squeal! I don't know if I should say "developed" since he did it last night for the first time, but you could hear it all over the house it was so loud. Austin took him to his room to get him undressed for bath time while I went to the bathroom to get the water ready, and Austin was in no hurry to get into the bathroom. He had him laying on his changing table and was tickling his ribs. Austin was making funny noises which I think added to William's entertainment, so he just started cracking up. He was laughing so hard that he'd lose his breath, then take a big high pitched gasp of air and start laughing again. I ran in to see what they were doing, but his laughing had died down before I could see his face :( Hopefully Austin can repeat it tonight!

My favorite, favorite, favorite thing that he William is doing now is "singing" himself to sleep. Our nighttime routine ends with one of us rocking William either to sleep or near-sleep before we lay him in his crib. Just as he is dozing off he begins making the softest cooing sounds. His eyes are closed, and the sounds aren't as vocal or emphatic as when he talks during the day, he just kind of lulls himself to sleep. We can't see his face while we rock him, but we always know he's almost out by his singing. I told you before that his laugh was the most precious sound, but I think this new singing is. It's a close call, I know that ;)

I definitely enjoy writing these William Wednesday posts because it keeps things in order and organized for me. He's doing so much and learning so quickly that its hard for me to remember to jot it all down for his scrapbook. These posts help me keep it all in line though!

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