Jul 28, 2010

What Day is Today?

Did anyone else LOVE Full House 15 years ago? Who am I kidding, does anyone else love Full House now?!

There was an episode towards the end of the series when Uncle Jesse was trying to teach Nicki and Alex a song to sing to Aunt Becky for mother's day. The song went:
What day is today? Today is mother's day. What day is today? Today is mother's day.

I'm not sure what, if anything, that has to do with William, my blog, or anything for that matter. But anytime I think or hear the phrase "what day is today?" I instantly hear the little boys singing in my head. And at about 1:15 this afternoon I thought to myself, "What day is today?". After singing the jingle through twice, I realized it is Wednesday and I, therefore, can't skip out on blogging because Wednesday = William Wednesday = the most important blog posting of the week.

I won't start by telling you that William had a busy week. Or that William is getting so big. Or that I'm amazed by how smart he is. I won't tell you how incredible it is to watch a baby learn and grow. Or how I beam with pride just because he recognizes my face. I won't go into detail about any of that, because I'm sure you're sick of hearing it all. *Although I did still manage to sneak it in here now didn't I?* I'll just cut to the chase of our week. In an attempt to keep this short so I can get back to work, I'm going to use a bulleted format. Maybe that will force me to be less wordy, because Mrs. Hartman (Mrs Harshman) taught us in 11th grade that bulleted points are to be kept short and boring. (She didn't think anything was sweet.)

~at the landing on our staircase we have a mirror hanging on the wall. Since William was about 2 weeks old I've paused at this mirror before turning to finish going up/down the stairs. I smile really big and say "AHH! Is that my baby?!?! Is that my precious William?!?!" or some other exasperated phrase about how thrilled I am to see him. This past week he has started seeking out the mirror. Once we take the first step onto the staircase his eyes are glued to the mirror, waiting for us to pause and smile at each other. Austin does this too, so I think if anyone ever comes to our house we'll have to let them know they MUST do this or he may lunge towards the mirror himself.

~William LOVES his new found skill of sitting up that I told you about last week. He can turn his body around in circles, reach forward for toys and pull himself back up, and can lean on his arms instead of fall to the side (sometimes)

~He's been very good at scooting his body around, usually in a complete circle, for awhile but just yesterday he scooted his body backwards. frontwards must be coming soon!

~MissKim is back at school after being gone since June 25 due to knee surgery. William didn't seem to recognize her at first, but then when he heard her voice he got SO excited he was nearly jumping out of my arms.

~Speaking of jumping, we had to move his jumparoo up to the second notch so his feet hardly touch ground because he was getting SO active in that thing I was afraid he'd knock himself over. He absolutely loves it. He especially loves if we watch him and cheer him on, which is fine by me because he amazes me and I'm glued to him.

~His ribs are getting very ticklish. last night he was laying in his diaper and I was nibbling on his ribs - he could hardly breathe he was laughing so hard. I had to give him breaks to catch his breath!

~Miss Jennifer told me that William really started to roll around to get what he wants this week. They have a foam pit and he was playing in it for 30 minutes yesterday - rolling around and shoving toys all over the place. She said she went to change a diaper, then when she went back he had leaned his head on a pillow and was sacked out.

~With his new found ability to move, he is getting creative with how he arranges himself in his sleep. One morning he was flipped on his stomach, and his head was on the opposite end of the crib. Another morning he had scooted himself sideways and was all the way at the end of his crib. Today he had grabbed his aggie pillow that missjan and maize bought for him and had one arm wrapped around it!

I'm glad I opted to use the bulleted format for this because going into this post I really had no idea all of the little things that he'd done this week for the first time. And in all honesty, I thought it had been one of his less busy weeks. Funny how that works out huh? Guess even without major milestones he's still learning at light speed. Have I mentioned that its a blast?

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