Jul 15, 2010


I was emailing with my friend Addie this morning about our upcoming birthday. Addie and I may have been twins separated at birth - the only thing that puts a kink in this theory is that both of our moms kind of remember giving birth. Other than that, it could be true! We were born on July 19, 1984 and it is kind of bizarre that we bumped into each other in college and became such great friends. Did I mention that it has been said that we look alike? So much so that in college someone called me Addie and made me show my student ID to prove I wasn't Addie? She was my roommate for the last 2 years of college, along with Jen, and those 2 years were even better than the first 2. When we were talking this morning I was asking her what her plans were, and she said she didn't think she'd be doing much - and that people don't make a big deal out of birthdays anymore. Which is true, but sad I think.

Why shouldn't we make big deals out of birthdays? Not necessarily by spending oogles of money, but its one day out of the year when you can celebrate that one person all by them self! (or in Addie and my case, the 2 of us.) By the way, if you just remember the number 8 for me that may help you celebrate...i wear a size 8 ring, shoe, and clothes. just fyi. I think I am getting side tracked again...

The point is - why don't we all love to celebrate other people's birthdays? If not for the purpose of celebrating their importance in your life, it gives you an excuse to do something out of the ordinary. Get a group together for a movie, go out to a fun dinner, go to a baseball game, night out on the town, movie night at home with wine and cheese (or popcorn and beer)...you can turn it into something about yourself if you don't want to focus on the other person. Kind of defeats the purpose, but I'm sure the person wouldn't mind as long as their birthday was being acknowledged and celebrated.

The real focus should be that person though. If its your spouse, you probably celebrate them on your anniversary too (if you don't, don't tell me cause you might get an earful) or if its your child you probably celebrate them every day...but other than those exceptions, it isn't often that you take the time out to focus 100% on someone else and how special they are. So why not take advantage of the one day out of the year that God designed for that purpose?

I thought about starting this on the 12th with MissJan, but I think I'll start next Monday with Addie. I think I'll write all about how much that person means to me like I have for weddings and other special occasions. Even if I can't be in Houston to celebrate with people, that doesn't mean I can't celebrate their life on my own!

In the meantime, just keep telling yourself 8. 8, 8, 8....

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