Feb 28, 2013



My name is Amanda Wallis.

I'm (apparently) a workaholic.

Ok, not really - but when there's work to be done and limited time in which to do it, something's gotta give right?

I didn't REALLY think I'd go a month without blogging when I joked 'see ya April 15!' But I'm glad I warned you because it came true. No excuses really, just the general 'not enough hours in the day' song and dance.

But we're one month closer to April 15 so that's good. Also means we're one month closer to DISNEYLAND!!!

Mark your calendars, this California bucket list item will be marked off April 18. I couldn't be more excited!!! I think Austin and I will enjoy it far more than William. He'll love it - but we'll love it for ourselves AND we'll love it for him. I can't wait to see his eyes when he sees mater, or eats a snack at the cozy cone motel, or goes to mickey's house. The magic through a child's eyes...I'm getting anxious just thinking about it. If nothing else good were to come out of our time in California, a trip to Disney would be enough to make it worth it.

I've got so much more to say. I still have lots of thoughts on grace, feelings about Brian being deployed, thoughts on inner reflection...don't think that in my absence my brain quits blogging. It's always blogging. It's just generally in the shower or the car or as I'm falling asleep at night. We just need to find time for pen to meet paper. (Or fingers to meet keyboard)

Let's hope it happens before April 15 yeah?

Thanks for your patience :)

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