Mar 13, 2010

Are you There Blog World? It's Me, Amanda.

I took my title from the Judy Blume book I read in 4th grade: Are you There God, it's me Margaret. Good play on words huh? I'm so creative :) I don't really remember the book, just the title. I ask if you are still there because I feel like I haven't blogged in years. I used to come up with a few things a week, sometimes 5 things a week, to say and now...I'm just at a loss most of the time. Then, when I do think of something to write about its at the least convenient time. For instance, last night at 1:00 when I woke up with William I thought of blogging. But do you really think I Was going to walk downstairs, get the computer, and stay awake 10 minutes longer to blog? Nope. And that has been how my blogging-thoughts have gone for the past...well, 6 weeks!

Here are examples of what I've wanted to write about:
William's Godparents: The decision made!
I can't believe some people: tax preparers who are careless and dishonest
My New Addictions: Ellen DeGeneres and the Food Network
How do I love Thee: Song Lyrics have a new meaning
William meets his first uncle and only aunt
Never Enough Time: How did I do all of these things when I worked - and how will I when I go back?!?!

Just an idea of what has been going on in my mind. I promise I'll get around to writing about all of those things - maybe even later today! For now I need to take a shower, and then maybe this afternoon I can try to teach myself the art of "sleep when he's sleeping" - sounds like such good advice...........

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