Nov 28, 2012

Back by Popular Demand

I got a LOT of response for the lack of William Wednesday, and I do apologize it's been so sparse lately.  The third year of life (or at least in William's case) isn't nearly as jam-packed full of new things and "firsts" and "oh my gosh he learned ..." - so sometimes I feel like all I'm doing is being one of those obnoxiously annoying bragging moms.  I just go on and on about how fantastic and brilliant and funny and sweet and brilliant he is.  But, apprently everyone likes to hear how fantastic and briliant and funny and sweet and...brilliant...he is.  So - don't say I didn't warn you - let the bragging begin.

With a couple of very painful exceptions, William has had a very happy and successful few weeks.  I'll start with the bad: his opinions and desires have gotten stronger (did you think it was possible?) and his will to win a battle has grown exponentially.  Candace and Herb were in town for Thanksgiving and the day before Thanksgiving he fought with me for over an hour about taking a nap, then for an hour about dinner!  He didn't want to take a nap, and he wanted to eat dinner at his little yellow table in the living room.  Period.  And he was pretty damn sure he was going to win the fights.  I won't lie, there were brief moments in there when I heard a voice in my head say, "Is he going to win?".  But, he did not and he's lucky he gave up on dinner when he did because that little yellow table was about 2 minutes away from mass destruction by dada.  If this was a window into the dreaded 3's....Lord help us.

As the dinner fight was winding down, and I realized I had exerted every ounce of energy in my body into winning the war, I looked at him and said, "William, one day I will be sitting in Cici's chair.  You will be sitting in my chair.  And I promise you, I am going to laugh my tush off." The thought alone was enough to give me the energy to finish the night.

Aside from our brief meetings of the minds, he's been an exceptionally good and happy boy lately.  Maybe he's making up for the horror moments with times of elation, I don't know - but I won't argue!  His teachers have commented that he's been in an even better mood than normal and genuinely excited by everything.  And they are really starting to catch on to his intelligence.

A few weeks ago we got his semi-annual performance evaluation, which is done in May and November.  He was "proficient" (the top mark) in about 95% of the categories and "master" in the other 5%.  And the teachers were sure to note how amazed they were by his speech, vocabulary, and complexity of his sentences.  And do you know what my little math brain child can do?  He can count to 20. 

Cici said he's the future president.  Pop said he's a budding engineer.  I think he's just a genius!

But, he's not entirely out of baby-hood...mommy can still hold on a LITTLE bit...
Despite the fact that he speaks in amazingly complex sentences and has a vocabulary that rivals some middle schoolers (sad, but true) he still has some baby words that I cherish.  (big thanks to casey for helping me keep them in line!)

wemdade.  his favorite drink.  also known as lemonade
NM's.  his favorite candy.  the candy that melts in your mouth, not your hand.
chlocate.  the substance inside NM's.

Besides his cute little words and the moments when he runs into my arms for security when he's scared, hurt, shy, or sad he's really not resembling a baby or toddler at all anymore.  But don't be fooled by the lack of writing - just because he doesn't have milestone after milestone for me to gloat about, he makes my days busier and more full as time goes.  He's the greatest thing on this earth.

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