When I booked the tour I almost felt silly - who needs a hospital tour for a second pregnancy? Well, a military wife does for sure because I didn't even know how to find the front entrance to the hospital. So it was a good thing I hadn't put that off until labor.
Beyond needing navigation directions I thought I'd kind of be a veteran on the tour. Instead I found some glaring and disturbing differences between me and the 4 tiny barely pregnant (yet 7 months pregnant) women walking the halls hand in hand with their husbands.
Wanna know the main ones? Sure ya do.
#1 I haven't flashed my left hand more since I acquired my engagement ring in 2006. I needed the other tour participants to know that while I was the only person there flying solo, I did in. Fact have a partner in this journey called pregnancy. Why wasn't my partner there? Well, kids can't go on hospital tours. For the life of me I can't imagine why! But that's the rule, so Austin had to stay home with William while I learned my way around the hospital all by my lonesome.
Well, my lonesome and the 4 petite women I already mentioned. Which leads me to #2
#2 it's not a lie when people tell you that you're bigger in your second pregnancy. I found out that all of the other newbie moms were also due in June except it looked to me like they were due in July,'or even August, while I could be due next week. Would you believe one of these...women...had on non-maternity blue jeans AND a belt? At 7 months pregnant!!! Really lady, no one likes a bragger.
#3 apparently first time moms are much more educated than second time moms. Or maybe I just live under a rock? As the nurse took apart the labor and delivery bed and I fought the urge to have the most frightened face in the room, I suddenly heard these young guns asking questions with words and phrases of which I've never heard. Last time I checked a squat bar was something in a gym and something I very much look forward to reacquainting myself with this summer. In a delivery room???? Uh???? I'm missing something. And ropes? And tied up sheets? What are we here for again????
#4 and quite possibly the biggest: either I have the worst poker face in the world or I was by far the most scared woman in the room. The only one who has actually given birth, I was more squirmish than a kindergartner one hour before Christmas break. Everyone else? Nice a relaxed, sitting back, enjoying the talks of exercise balls and back labor and pushing and bodily fluids and other items I'll leave out. Not me, I wanted to run for the doors and go screaming down the streets.
Apparently being a veteran means nothing. And apparently knowledge isn't power cause I know what labor is like and I was far more frightened than anyone else in the room. Suddenly June 17 seems way, way too soon.
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