So - I could either cancel yet again and potentially never go, or I could take William. At the time of the news I was so upset, but it really ended up being one of the best things for both of us.
Friday we headed up to San Jose early in the morning for some chick fil a before our flight.
We had a quick breakfast, found our parking lot and rode the airport bus over to the airport. William behaved like an angel the entire time which was perfect because I was just about maxed out on energy use with the bags and such. Our flight was only 2 hours which was a nice break from our usual 6+ hours of travel to Texas. We didn't even get to finish our movie!
When we landed in Denver I had a lot of bittersweet emotions. I love Denver. Can't deny it. I loved just about everything about our 6 years there and I honestly don't know if I will ever miss a place like I miss Denver. I even got emotional when we passed "the gas station I never had"
I was quite the little tourist on our ride down to castle rock. Taking pictures of gas stations, mountains, and William's birth place.

That night we slept at ms Jodi's house which William loved. Another big backyard AND a giant jacuzzi tub. He has only asked for one about 10 times since then, so I think it was a hit.
Sunday he and I took a drive up to the mountains. He was insistent on seeing snow, but unfortunately we drove about 30 minutes into the mountains and found none. We did find a tunnel and a river, and I agreed to take him to the bass pro shop to make up for the lack of snow, so he was happy.
He doesn't remember, but one of his faaaaaaavorite things to do with oh gosh was to go see the 'fish in wawee'. Time flies, but some things never change.
The rest of Sunday I spent shopping while he played in ms Dusti's amazing backyard again (despite 40 degree temps) and we had dinner with some amazing friends.
Monday morning William woke me up saying two things:
Hey bed hog!
I miss dada
So, our trip was perfectly timed as my Colorado loving bear was ready to go home. He proudly clung to dada doll the entire day in the airports and on the plane, and took every opportunity to show it to anyone who looked our way.
We had a great time and I think it was a much needed trip for him. And for me. It wasn't what I had wanted, but it was more than I could have ever asked for.
Until next time Denver, I'll be seeing you in my dreams.
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