Sep 25, 2014

My Little Lover

William is a passionate kid. His temper tantrums can be heard from miles away. His stubbornness would be impressive if it weren't infuriating first. His interest in fully knowing and comprehending things is incredible.

He's passionate about car brands, football, cars, our pets...when he has his mind on something, he goes all in with a passion.

And that's how he is as a big brother.

I worried so much that the age difference would be a detriment in multiple ways. I worried that he'd resent Charles for taking his only child status he had basked in for 4 years. I worried he'd feel disconnected because they are just SO different. I worried he'd get bored and tired of our lives having to adjust and change to accommodate a baby who needs a lot of peace and quiet.

I worried for no reason.

To say William loves Charles would be an understatement. It'd be like saying I love peanut butter. Just doesn't quite do justice to the deep, deep passion inside. (Yes. For peanut butter)

It's like an obsession.

People always say 'I want a girl first so she can be a helpful big sister' and I may be guilty of previously assuming girls get more into baby stuff. And in a lot of ways they do! William has no interest in playing house or playing with a pretend baby or baby things. All he wants to do is take care of his little brother.

Like the day he woke up, came in my room while I was showering, grabbed a bottle of 'chest milk' I had ready in case Austin needed to feed Charles, went in his room, climbed in his crib and started feeding him. No words, no stalling, no nonsense. It happened in about 3 seconds.
Or like yesterday when I was changing Charles. William loves to throw the diapers away and be near us when we change him. Yesterday Charles was crying the entire time and William was getting increasingly antsy. Eventually he let it out and yelled, 'stop it! Stop hurting my baby brother!'

Or today: Charles had his 4 month check up (maybe I'll write about a decade or so) and I told William I'd take him to school before the appointment. He said he wanted to come with us to the doctor to help Charles, so naturally my heart melted and I said ok. What I didn't expect was for Charles's shots to be harder for William than Charles!

He doesn't love to play mommy like a big sister, but I guess his passion is more like the male equivalent. He loves to protect Charles. He loves to provide whatever Charles needs. He loves to play dada.

My heart beats out of my chest.

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