This week was jam packed and I feel like I just sat down to write last week’s William post. I am sure I am going to miss a LOT of things from this week, I just can’t remember! It’s hard to enough to remember the pieces I do know!
After work last week uncle oh gosh picked William up from school. Brian was SO proud that William actually called him “brian” in the truck, but he later learned that William wasn’t saying that at all. Actually, William was pointing out the bright sun shining in his face. He says “brigh yun” for bright sun, and he says it anytime it is in his eyes. Ooops, guess Brian has to live with Oh Gosh a little bit longer.
William was very excited at the airport about all of the buses and trucks and planes and trains that he saw, and I thought we did a good job wearing him out. Apparently not good enough because he was awake for half of our flight that took off at 9pm! That means he didn’t fall asleep until after 10, which is the latest he’s ever stayed up. I was TIRED! He was very well behaved though and was relaxed, just too excited to sleep I guess. Once we got to Houston he was too confused to sleep so he didn’t really get to sleep until 1am. But, surprisingly he was not too fussy on Thanksgiving. I’d guess not, though, with 20 people around to entertain him! After a busy morning of playing with Yaya and Papa, an afternoon of hopping between uncles and family-friends, we went over to Cici and Pop’s house for the evening. There’s no way he would have napped with 20 people at my mom’s house, so I’m very glad we had a mid-afternoon drive to make. He slept in the car and I drove around awhile to let him get good rest.
Once at their house though he was bombarded with hugs and kisses and presents from his cousins, aunts/uncles and Cici and Pop of course! Herb’s daughters and their kids were in town, and their kids are all somewhere around 10. So having a 2 year old was fun times to them! So much so that on Friday at the zoo they were all punished for fighting over him too much. Oops!

That’s right, Friday we went to the Houston zoo. It is william’s third zoo trip and we still haven’t gone to the one in the city where we live. We should get on that! He had fun, and the weather was great! No humidity and the best weather of the weekend. I am so glad we went that day. It was definitely the longest trip I’ve ever had to the zoo I think, and I was more tired than anyone else by the end of it. But I guess that’s how it goes with 4 families all together. It was a great trip though and I was really impressed with all of the updates and renovations to the zoo since the last time I was there.

Saturday after yaya taught William all the letters of his name, he got to spend the day with his God-family and I hear he had a fantastic time. I didn’t get a SINGLE picture or update, so I can’t really tell you about it. I guess it was top secret J But he was in one piece when I got him back and had napped for 2 hours, so I’d say it went well. And Brianna may have a career in babysitting.
Saturday night was – I think – the highlight of William’s week. We had a Mexican Fiesta with all of our family and William had SO MUCH FUN bouncing from person to person, couch to couch, rolling balls and climbing all over things that I never thought were toys. The entire house was a jungle gym and he thought everyone’s laps were there just for him. There was rarely a moment when I didn’t hear the shrieks of his laughter, and I was told repeatedly how infectious and wonderful his laugh is. It really is! It comes from deep within his gut and you can’t help but laugh yourself when you hear it. It has so much joy and happiness laced in it.

Sunday was the highlight of MY week as we got to spend the day with “baby lelli” as William calls her.

He got jealous twice when I was holding her, but luckily his two uncles were enough fun to keep him from even realizing that Kelli had all of my attention. Around nap time Oh Gosh tried to calm him down to sleep, but William wanted his blanket and dada doll…and really, he wanted to go to sleep on his own terms! So he wriggled out of Brian’s arms, Yaya got his sleeping necessities from the car, and he climbed up onto brandon’s lap to take a nap. Within 10 minutes all 4 boys were out cold and we could hear Brandon’s snoring throughout the house.

I was heart broken when we had to leave, and I think William was a little sad too because this morning he was crying for baby lelli.
He was very good on our flights home on Monday and he even got to play in the cockpit on our layover in Austin. He loved the steering wheel (well, its not quite a wheel is it) and was fascinated that when he moved one, the other moved with it. He also tore the papers that looked to be the instructions to denver…luckily we made it home safely!

He didn’t throw one tantrum all week until Tuesday morning when we were back at home and he was stuck with boring old mom. Had to wake up early, get dressed and out the door quickly, and didn’t have his posse of people catering to his every whim. The poor, poor child.
As for developmental updates or milestones…man, I don’t even know. He talks talks talks, and this week he ATE ATE ATE. Then this morning out of nowhere his head was taller than the headrest in his car seat.

WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN? Apparently all that food was going somewhere! He picks up on words like its nothing – repeats almost anything you ask him to and sometimes things you don’t want him to. And his memory is impeccable! Monday night he told me that Emmitt (brandon’s dog) is at uncle brandon’s house. Well, really mhe said “branon owws” but you get the idea. He is as sharp as a tack and nothing gets by that kid. I have said it before and I’ll say it for the next 18+ years…I have some busy, busy years ahead of me!!!
- manda
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