I think I told you that we met Santa at Austin’s battalion holiday party, and that William loved him from a few feet away. I am not quite as into Santa as Buddy the Elf is, so I didn’t feel the need to force William onto his lap for a picture of him wailing. Maybe it’s a right of passage that I stole from my child, who knows. But he was happy with high 5’s and fist bumps so I let it be. Anyway, here we are with Santa.

William is quite the little ham. When we are home alone he has me cracking up, but when other people are around (if he’s in a performing mood) I could literally fall out of my chair laughing sometimes. One night Dusti and Jodi came over for dinner and William had no problem sitting at the table with the ladies. Usually once he’s done eating he’s ready to run but he was content to sit, smile, and play a new game he and Jodi created. It’s called “peeeease jo-di” and it consists of William begging Jodi to roll a water bottle across the table to him, then she asks for it back and he rolls it back. It’s a complex game, one that took mere seconds to master, yet an hour to finish. Yes, an hour. He also beckoned for Jodi to come back a few times over the last week by saying “peeeease jo-di” leaving me confused as to what we were doing.
He also found it fun to perform for our Christmas card picture. Once we learned Austin wouldn’t be home in time for family pictures, I designed our card in my head and had a former coworker take some pictures of us. Below is our card – and by his cheese-eating grin you can see the mood he was in. (note: if you do not have this at your house you are either one of the 8 cards sitting in my purse waiting for an address, or I didn’t know you’d want one so please tell me so…)

This past weekend we had a Christmas get together with people from my work. It was pretty informal, just at a coworker’s house, but it was a lot of fun. There were lots of kids playing with toys upstairs, running around and being kids – it was awesome. Paul also had little stockings for all the kids to make. William learned, though, that you are supposed to tear open the presents under the tree (the adults had a white elephant gift exchange) so he has wanted to open the presents at home since then. I guess that’s a pretty tough concept! He is very excited about Christmas…he’s excited by all the lights, the “goo goo bells” (jingle bells), the music, the tree – he likes it all. And I’m SO excited to see his excitement on Christmas morning.

Last time I wrote, I think I mentioned that William had perfected 3 letters. Well – we’ve just been learning like crazy. He has bathtub letters which he plays with every night, and I am sure they work on letters at school too. (or maybe they don’t – really I have never asked) Last night during bathtime he was able to identify on his own:
Y for Yaya
G for Oh Gosh
W for William
D for Dada
P for Papa
H (not for anything)
M for mommy (after he tried to turn it upside down and make it a W)
B for meeman (Brandon)
C for CiCi
L for William (he knows his name has 2 L’s in it so I’ll give him that)
And he knew numbers 1-4 successfully too. We are stuck on the number 0 and the letter O because he thinks they’re footballs. So I’m equally proud of that. He’s practically Doogie Howser, really.

Sunday I went to the Broncos game, so William got a real treat: all day with Oh Gosh! He was so excited. When I said “he” there I’m not sure which “he” I was referring to, they were BOTH so excited. I think they watched football, went man-shopping (bass pro shop) and had dinner at McAlisters. William also got his first cup of sprite which Brian was quick to inform me has no caffeine. AH, but the sugar. Oh well, he was sound asleep when I got home so all was well in the world.
When I mentioned that sometimes when we’re alone he has me laughing up a storm, I particularly meant last night. I was sitting in Austin’s chair (which I only have a few more weeks to enjoy, because when he’s home I never sit in it) and William kept saying something that I couldn’t quite make out. He knew I wasn’t comprehending, so he grabbed my hand and then pointed to the floor. I realized, then, that he had been saying “sit down” and I knew he probably wanted to climb on my lap or legs or jump on my abs. I sat down and then he gently pushed on my shoulders and said “lay down mommy”. Yep, it was playtime. I laid down with my head rested against austin’s chair and my legs bent while he got a running start and ran towards my legs. When he arrives at my legs he either expects me to instantly pick him up in table top or separate my knees so he falls on my stomach, and he’s equally surprised and excited by both outcomes. What he didn’t expect was for me to lift him in table top, raise him over my head with my legs and drop him on Austin’s chair. He LOVED that…while my abs thought it was a little less enjoyable. Then anytime I would sit up he’d run over and kindly tell me “lay down mommy”. So later I said “lay down William” and I tried to mimick him but instead of jumping on him I tickled his ribs when I got to him, which got that deep belly laugh out of him. We played like that for 20 minutes and I never stopped laughing. He’s hilarious and I think I could play with someone his age forever. I want to take him to never never land!
He also keeps me laughing with the associations he makes. Last night he repeatedly asked me for his 'moose book'. I had no clue what he meant, but it turns out he was asking for the thanksgiving book miss jan gave him. I'd call it either the turkey book or thanksgiving book, but he's right - Mr. And Mrs. moose are the main characters!
On top of being hilarious and keeping me laughing, he is the sweetest thing in the world. And the sense that kids have for their parents’ emotions amazes me. Last Thursday I took him to a crepe place for dinner to celebrate Austin and my anniversary. He was on PERFECT behavior at the restaurant, gave me lots of hugs and kisses, and told me “love you mommy” three times just in the time we were at the restaurant. He also practiced naming the letters in his first and last name, and learned to say “William wallis” which made me beam with pride. He apparently knows when to be funny and when to be sweet, and he knows how to play his mommy to get WHATEVER he wants.
I don’t know how much more I’ll blog between now and next Wednesday because I won’t be at work and my mom and Alfredo will be in town, so just in case I miss you – hope you have a very merry Christmas and that you get to spend lots of wonderful time with the people you love.

- manda
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