But we hadn't been out of our hotel 10 minutes when William went to let a dog wearing a shirt that said 'I have 2 daddies'. Now, I'm not here to judge anyone's lifestyle - and I certainly was prepared for that in moving here. But if my dog doesn't wear a shirt that says 'I have a mommy and a daddy' why is it necessary that any dog declare it's parents sexuality? Besides, dad #1 was making it pretty apparent - the declarative shirt wasn't revealing any secrets. I've always taken the stance that if I'm not flaunting my life, you don't need to flaunt yours - and we'll be fine. Apparently I need to revisit that.
I also saw what I thought was a Rosie poster, muscles flexed with the phrase 'we can do it'. I sort of felt comforted until I realized it was 2 women proudly declaring they were able to get married. And I've seen the poster a few places.
Then we proceeded to see the same long haired guitar toting wooden flute toting hippie around town throughout the day. Just walking around. Just toting his instruments. All. Day. Again, I'm not here to judge but...
Well, it sure sounds like I'm here to judge doesn't it???
It's just very different here! All of
My blogs about how different California is from Texas - I thought I was being cute. No,
I was scratching the surface. It's just a different world - and I should have known that when we were stopped by BORDER CONTROL checking to be sure we weren't smuggling any agriculture or animals!
Nope, no animals in here. Just 80 pounds of dog and 30 pounds of cat.
Border patrol?!?!?! Am I no longer in America?!?! Oh my goodness gracious.
But - I won't judge the next 2 years (I'm beginning to gain confidence in us wanting out of Monterey as soon as the army will allow it) on the last 24 hours. Let's face it, the first day is probably always bad. Right? RIGHHT?? Confirmation please...
We have a little bit of frustration with our housing situation right now too, which didn't go in day 1's favor either. Wednesday morning, before the window repair people got to our hotel, we found out Austin is being promoted May 1! Now we thought we finally had some good news going our way. A little pay raise to help ease the financial strain and...a better house! Yippee!!!
I immediately called my ol' buddy David at the housing office to see about being switched from the e6 duplex to an e7 house. David and I have talked a lot over the last month and he is...well...he's like a little drone reading answers from a paper unable to think or act on his own. He also is unable to return phone calls or send emails when he says he will, so I have to be quite the nag. He said he would send the paperwork over to RCI who owns Pinnacle, which is who he works for and who owns the privatized housing. Once RCI verifies the promotion he will get a preview letter emailed to me so we can pick which e7 house we would like.
He also implied this would all happen by close of business Wednesday.
Thursday morning I called him back having never heard from him again and he said he hadn't heard back from RCI but as long as he got confirmation by 4:30 we could move into the e7 house that day.
Hours later we were informed that RCI can take up to 7 days to verify this with the army. Our delivery of our household goods was already scheduled for Friday morning and the moving company doesn't have another open time until 10 days from now, so we didn't have an option to delay move in. So, we had to sign the lease and take the keys to the e6 house knowing that in 5ish days we will be approved for the other house.
I know I had said there wasn't much difference in the housing but I found out there is. There is an e7 house available right now that is 350 square feet bigger, has an office/study, has more storage, isn't a duplex and has an attached garage...and it's just prettier!
Here is our current house

(notice the lack of balcony? Yeah, me too)
Here is the house we want

Better all around.
Maybe it's not a big deal. Maybe I shouldn't care. Maybe we should take what we have and be happy.
So far - not happening.
If Austin wasn't being promoted may 1 we wouldn't have had 2 day of headaches with the housing office and maybe we would be excited for our current house. But now I just dislike everything about it. Not the best attitude but you know what? I don't really care right now - I'm going to pout and declare my dislike for the situation and I'm not going to feel one bit guilty.
Once RCI confirms the promotion we can file an 'inter village transfer request' and HOPE they approve it. They have no reason not to but...well I don't know that they make logical choices all the time. Once we file the request David's manager has to approve it which can take 1-2 days. So, it could be end of next week. At that point do we still want the house? Do we want to move all our boxes and luggage and washing machine and crap across the neighborhood? We can leave it all packed up to make it easier but we would still be on our own in the moving. Is it worth it?
I just feel like things are just barely not working out throughout this process. I am just waiting for something to work out from start to finish...the way we want...right now. When does that happen?
The day ended better - we had a nice dinner on the bay and looked out at the water as we stuffed our face with some yummy Mexican food.

I guess If we never enjoy it here at least we can look at the water!
- manda