Oct 17, 2012

William Wednesday!

Ooops Ooops Ooops.  I'm a slacker, I apologize.  I did write a second blog last week, but then apparently never posted it until I logged in today.  So - I'm a bad bad blogger person.  My sincerest apologies.

Onto William!

My little baby is not a baby, that's all there is to it.  He's a big boy and he'll tell you all about it!

He has recently learned how to use his fingers to indicate numbers.  1, 2, 3, 4 and so on.  And he LOVES to do it.  Rather than getting 4 books every night sometimes he only wants 2 or 3 or 1, but I think the only reason he's changing the pattern is so he can show me on his hands how many he wants.  "Not 4 mommy, only 3" as he lifts his fingers up.  I realize that this is something we all learned at some point in life, probably right around where he is, but magically it's more captivating when it's William.  I know!  Who knew.

He also has more complicated sentence patterns, more drawn out conversations and more detailed thoughts than before.  For instance...in his bedroom he has 4 piggy banks.  One of the banks is a small silver pig that was Austin's when he was a baby.  We've told William this before, so a few nights ago I asked him "which bank do you want to put your money in today?  your little silver one?"  "No, how about....my BIG one!  that bank was maybe yours a baby mommy"  It took me a minute to follow where he was going, then I said, "oh this was mine when I was a baby?"  To which he replied yes.  Then he said, "The dinosaur bank maybe was mine a baby"  So then when I asked where the fourth bank came from his response was, "um...maybeeeeeee...OH GOSH!"  His brain is always working! 

He's pretty interested in all of the pumpkins this year.  Pumpkins everywhere!  We have 5 on our front porch and he talks about them every day.  He also loves the pumpkin stickers we got for his potty chart.

Speaking of...I'm trying to ween him off the potty chart.  Any suggestions?  I keep trying to "forget" to make a new one, but he never forgets.  Then I feel guilty because I know he loves his stickers!  But really, I don't get stickers on my tax returns why does he get stickers for the potty still?  He's mastered the skill.

Well, almost.  There are still accidents but ironically now at home he rarely has accidents and at school he's back to 1-2/day.  This potty training business must be incredibly stressful!

Lately the only cartoon/TV show he's interested in is Mickey Mouse clubhouse.  Austin and I never thought we'd beg to watch Cars again but I'm just about there.  Please no more mickey!  But, it'll change soon enough I'm sure.  In the meantime it's working to our favor.  In one of the episodes Mickey refers to exercising which is called Mousekersizing.  Naturally.  So we suggested that we'd all go to our gym and mousekersize together that day and William LOVED it.  He got in his best gym clothes, grabbed some cars, and up the road we went.  I guess I would have been more excited right along with him if mousekersizing for me meant I got to sit in a colorful room, eat snacks and watch mickey on my iPad.  Hopefully he eventually learns exercise REALLY means calorie burning, not calorie consuming.  But for now it's a nice way for Austin and I to be able to exercise without trying to juggle who goes at what time, etc.  We just have to be sure one of us is on a treadmill the entire time so we can see William :)  Easily done.

That's about all I got on the week.  Pretty sporadic, I know. But I've been working a lot so I haven't had much time with him, and I'm rushing out of the office so my brain is fried.  I'll make another hopeful promise of becoming a better blogger again soon.  Bear (bare?) with me :)

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