Oct 24, 2012

William Wednesday

I know nothing about the memory of an elephant, but I believe the phrase should really be "A toddler never forgets".

Remember a few months ago when William and I had this exchange:
"Mommy I want cow ice cream" (referring to the magnet on our fridge that resembles a blue bell bucket with the cows on it)
"I do too baby but we can't buy that here.  They only have cow ice cream in Texas"
"I want to go to Texas"
...no reply.

Yesterday William called YayaPapa to tell them that he kept his pants clean and dry all day at school, which of course made them very proud.  After that topic had passed Yaya asked William if he had fun with Alexis.  William said "Alexis went back her house.  She come back again".  Yaya said, "do you want Alexis to come back and visit again?"  "YEAH!  And you guys come back visit again too".  I could hear them both melting on the other end of the call.  They both agreed to come back, then Yaya said "William, do you want to come to yaya's house for Christmas?"  Sometimes I have to help guide him in phone conversations so I repeated her question, slightly rewording it.  I said, "William, do you want to go to Texas for Christmas?"  He said "YEAH!  And have cow ice cream!"

So, Yaya has to deliver on that one!  She also told him Oh Gosh will be there and he let out the most excited "YAAAAAAY" I've ever heard.

He has really been missing oh gosh more lately.  I don't know what happened but he has been referring to him a lot, asking for him a lot, and Sunday he wanted to call him.  I can't even express the blessing it was for William (and me!) to have Brian in Colorado with us last year.  Too bad the Army can't coordinate Brian and Austin's duty stations forever!  Worth a shot maybe.

This weekend Alexis, Casey (my Texan coworker), William and I went to the Salinas Valley Food & Wine Festival while Austin was at a field training.  William behaved better than expected for 3 hours in a stroller.  His reward: spiderman face painting.  He LOVES to be transformed into spiderman.  Alexis made some comment referring to the cartoon and I said, "oh, he's never actually SEEN spiderman.  He doesn't even know it's a show.  He just knows of the paraphernalia. Either way, it's money well spent when I see that smile on his face as he looks at the mirror and sees Spiderman staring back at him.

He is budding into quite the leader I've been told.  His teacher let me know last week that for the past couple of weeks his behavior has been a little off.  I talked to her yesterday about it and explained that my best guess is that he is reacting to the departure of Ms Rebecca, his teacher.  He's never done well with teacher changes, and his behavior at home hadn't changed.  He also has asked me a few times recently when Ms Rebecca will be back, so the timing fits.  She appreciated the insight then she said that he really impacts how the other kids behave and when he's his usual self the other kids follow right along with whatever he's doing.  If he helps clean, they help clean.  And she said he is so funny and keeps everyone laughing all day.

My child, the change-averse, slightly moody leader.  I feel like a broken record...

I can't think of anythign else notable from the week.  I know Sunday morning Austin and I could not catch our breath we were laughing so hard, but I can't quite rememebr why.  Just being his usual funny self I suppose!

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