Apr 29, 2013

Dare I go there?

I have neeeevvvveeeer pegged myself as a runner. Never.

Except in elementary school when I loved being on the relay teams. And running the short runs. If it weren't for darn Rachel Allen (who had trees for legs) I would have won every time.

But that was ages ago right? I'm certainly not in the physical shape of people I think of as runners. And I'm nearing the end of my 20's. who picks up running now? It's too late. My glory days as a runner ended the last time I handed Rachel the baton in 5th grade. That's ok, it ended on a high note as we crushed our competition.

Or maybe it doesn't have to end there?

A couple of months ago some friends pitched the idea of doing a mud run and they're so persuasive and enthusiastic that I thought 'sure, why not?'. Turns out I LOVED it. And got 5th place among all females according to the race results. Not bad I'd say.

Then last week I got a call from a coworker:
Her:Hey, have you been working out?
Me: uhhhh no. I need to. Bad. Starting today.
Her: oh good, wanna run the last leg of our marathon relay? Leigh backed out.
Me: when?

Oh sure. 5 days away, hadnt worked out in what turned out to be 3 weeks, and hadn't run 5 miles straight in...wow, a really long time. The mud run was 5 miles but you get to stop and crawl through mud and do pushups and Situps...you get breaks. 5 miles straight? Sure. Who wouldn't want me as a teammate?

Well, turns out I loved it! I was sick most of the week so I couldn't work out like I would have hoped but I still did decently well I think - and now just wish I could do it again and do even better.

Ahh, the runners curse. The drive to beat yourself.

And now 2 of my relay teammates are trying to get me to run a half marathon in August. In my mind there's an insurmountable leap from 5 miles to 13.1. Then again, there's a pretty big leap from 0 to 5 too and I made that one right?

Yikes. Still undecided, but something tells me no one debates a half marathon this long and then decides no. So wish me luck???? Or wish me out of my momentary lapse in judgment please!

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