Nov 6, 2009

So Long, Farewell

If I could spell in German (or was it Austrian?) I'd finish the Sound of Music lyrics there...alveirdersein goodbye???? I should just stop trying.

In any case, this is goodbye for a week or so. I know you will be hard pressed to find entertainment as good as my blog, but please - somehow manage so that I still have readers when I get back :) Tomorrow Austin and I are meeting Jonathan and some other Aggies in Boulder for the aTm vs CU football game - WHOOP! I've been lookin forward to some aggie football all season long. Then Sunday I hope on a plane or two to fly to Orlando for DISNEY!!! I mean, for CorpTax. yeah, tax...that stuff. Someone has to pay my way to Disney right? :) I get back to Denver Thursday night, but there's no rest for me cause Friday we're heading up to Estes Park for our anniversary celebration. We found a place that does prenatal massages and has a couple's room so Austin can have a man-sage too...should be a nice weekend.

So - I'll be back the following week and will be sure to post pictures from all of the above events to make up for my absence. Because I know there's nothing that would make your life more complete than to follow my life in photo form.

And as far as William - he's just growing, growing, growing. This week my email says he is roughly 1lb8ounces and 9 inches long. That's the size of my forearm! Its pretty hard to imagine that my forearm can curl up small enough to fit in my stomach...even harder to imagine that he'll double in length and probably more than quadruple in size before he's born. Is my stomach really going to be big enough? poor babies - they must be so uncomfortable in there!

Anyhow, that's where we are. Hope you all have a great weekend, a funfilled week next week, and I'll catch ya on the flip side!!!

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