Nov 3, 2009

You're gonna Miss This

Ever heard that country song, "You're gonna miss're gonna want this back..."? I feel like people are singing that in my ear all day long. People tell me ALL the time how much they loved being pregnant and how much they miss it.

Really? Then why aren't you pregnant now?

Its not that I dislike being pregnant by any means. I would honestly have nothing to say I dislike, except maybe the ever-present needles in my life the past 4 months. But when I think about the extra effort, extra thought, extra worry...and then I think about the result of no longer being pregnant come February...why will I miss this? Don't get me wrong, I love that I can feel William move inside of me - I do. But I just keep thinking that feeling his feet in my actual hands, seeing his eyes right in front of me rather than on a computer screen, feeding him through his mouth rather than his umbillical cord, and all the other aspects that will come with tangibly having him will far surpass the experience of having him grow inside of me. Am I missing something?

Then there's the food issue. I don't like always worrying about whether or not I'm eating healthy enough for him, consuming enough calories, getting enough calcium, etc. Some nights I might just want to eat a bowl of ice cream drizzled in, that's not my healthiest option but maybe I just want to! Or maybe I don't WANT to drink a glass of milk for breakfast tomorrow; maybe I'd rather have grape juice.

People also told me to slow down and enjoy the wedding planning process more, cause it'd be gone in a heartbeat and I would miss it. So far I haven't looked back yet - so I'm just thinking it'll be that way this time too. I loved planning our wedding, and I loved our wedding...but I love being married to Austin more than either of those. So I'll continue counting down earnestly, doing my best to fight father time, and just ignore those silly voices in my head telling me that I'm going to miss this when it's over.

Besides, there's always baby #2 if I miss it THAT much right?

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