Nov 2, 2009

Is Halloween Dead?

Growing up we never really celebrated Halloween. It never bothered me much - my parents always gave us candy depending on what we did that year, and we did trick-or-treat a couple times...but really, it was all about getting candy. The few times I remember trick-or-treating I don't remember particularly loving it, so bypassing that process was fine by me. Because of this, I do not have much of a taste for Halloween as a holiday - take it or leave it - and on more than one occasion I've been called the Scrooge of Halloween.

However, now that I'm older I thoroughly enjoy seeing kids all dressed up in their costumes. I don't like the "scary" element to Halloween - not a fan of scary movies, don't like skeletons and witches and the nasties that are affiliated with the holiday...but raggedy ann? pumpkins? superman? yeah - those are cute. So I was waiting in anticipation Saturday for the doorbell to ring so I could see the costumes and hear their cute cries for tricks or treats (but who are we kidding, no one wants tricks)

I don't know if it's my neighborhood, Denver, the weather, or what it is but our doorbell wasn't abused nearly as much as I'd hoped for the night and I still have plenty of Reese's and Kit-Kat bars left over :( The kids I did see were very cute, the younger the cuter, but I was sad to blow out the candle in the jack-o-lantern and turn off the porch light at the end of the night. I've also decided that if Austin wants our kids to trick-or-treat he's taking them; I'm staying home to see all the costumes.

Other than that slight disappointment, the weekend was great! Our date Friday was fun - despite the woman next to me at the restaurant ordering shrimp (insert shrimp face for the last 20 minutes of our meal...the smell was just awful, worst ever perhaps) Saturday we had some errands to run in the morning, and Petco happens to be next to Old Navy so I suggested we go look there...again...for baby clothes that we don't necessarily need right now...again. :) We got a swimsuit for next summer for $0.47 can you pass that up? And some adorable little pants for $2. The sales are just too good, although I think its hard NOT to insert the word "adorable" when you're talking about pants the size of a baby! We spent the rest of Saturday the same way I spent most of Sunday...watching football. It was wonderful! Not to mention the Aggies won AND the Texans won, bringing both their records to 5-3. YIPPEE!!! :) Both of my fantasy teams won too..but those are small victories as I'll be most excited when this fantasy drama is over.

I'm getting a wee-bit overwhelmed at the 30 days ahead of me. or 28 actually, seeing as today is Nov 2. I don't have a free Saturday or Sunday until December 5, which means all cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, etc must be done in the middle of the week. I HATE doing those things mid-week...just stresses me out. Is it bad to hire people to do that stuff? I bet it is. And I bet I am not in the income-bracket to justify it either. Darn huh? On top of that I am only working 2 out of 4 weeks in November, so I have to accomplish more per day to make up for it. Guess I better get on top of that rather than updating you on how stressed I am huh?

Only 2 more months in 2009...where did the other 10 go? No idea...but I'm fine with that, cause that means less than 4 months until William blesses us with his presence!!!!

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