Oct 30, 2009

Productive Week

I bet you've all but given up on checking for blog updates - my apologies! I have excuses, so forgive me please :)

Last week Austin told me every day about new people at work who were sick with what seemed to be the flu. The Buckley clinic wasn't seeing anyone with flu symptoms, and you can't miss work without the doctor's permission, so plenty of people were going in sick. It's the military's infinite wisdom - its amazing. Because of how many sick people he was around, we knew it was just a matter of time before he got it...and then before I got it. We also knew that, seeing as the military mandates flu shots, whatever strain they had wasn't covered in the shot so I wasn't covered either. It was just a matter of playing the waiting game.

Austin started to feel sick Thursday, then was at his worst Friday - I was just a day behind him as I started having a sore throat Friday then Saturday got progressively worse as the day went on. The on-call doctor at my OB clinic called in Tamiflu for me - which helped the flu, but brought on nausea so I didn't really feel great until...well, I still wouldn't use the word "great"...but I would say I started to feel better Wednesday.

Which was just in time for our first winter blizzard to come in. Wednesday morning's drive to work was pretty nasty, and it only got worse from that point through last night. My office closed early Wednesday, which I figured would happen, and then to my surprise even Buckley closed down early. So, what do people do when they have snow days? Go out to lunch/happy hour with their friends of course! We went to Old Chicago with some of Austin's friends from work, but the snow really started coming down about 2 hours into our stay there so we called it a day and went home. That's where we stayed until this morning when we had to go to work :( Yesterday wasn't as glamorous as I thought a snow day would be - but that might be because it was snowing too much to even go out there and play in it. The snow was blowing sideways, so anytime we tried going outside we were slapped in the face with snow. You wouldn't think that cute little harmless snowflakes would hurt - but they do!

In the end I think we got about 12 inches of snow at our house. Our backyard has snow levels that go halfway up the fence in some areas, we can't see any of our poor little bushes, and our blue spruce tree can hardly hold his branches up with all the weight sitting on them. It is SO pretty :) Austin even agrees that its pretty...or he did agree until 6:15 this morning when went out and shoveled for over an hour. He tried to keep up with it Wednesday, which theoretically makes it easier to shovel...but if you shovel 10 times for 20 minutes or one time for 80 minutes...which is better? This morning he declared we need a snow blower, so I'm guessing neither theory is really that great when you're talking about a foot of snow.

Today was my 24 week appointment. I had to do the blood glucose screen - ICK. The orange drink wasn't as bad as I'd anticipated, in the beginning, so it did not taint my memory of precious Robert like I was afraid it might. However, my stomach did NOT like the influx of sugar when there was nothing else to absorb it. Then the nurse "forgot" to take enough blood to do the normal blood testing, so I got pricked twice...I swear its a conspiracy at that place! The doctor let me know their H1N1 vaccines are in...yippee. I let her know that I had the other flu shot, and still got the flu, but she wasn't entertained and didn't even let me consider not getting the H1N1. people should really find more humor in things :) I couldn't get that shot today because I'm not 100% after last weekend, so I get to go BACK to the doctor next week sometime for that shot. my next appointment is the Monday after Thanksgiving, and then I have to start going every 2 weeks! I remember at the veerrrrry beginning when the doctor told me the schedule of appointments, and how after 28 weeks you go every 2 weeks until 36 weeks. I remember thinking "28 weeks? that's forever away" Yet, here it is - just around the corner.

We've got a busy month between now and then! Tonight Austin is taking me on a "date" - not sure where to, I'll let you know the details later if I feel like it :) Tomorrow night I'm hoping the weather doesn't deter the trick-or-treaters...I'm not huge on halloween but I love answering the door and handing out candy :) Then next weekend we're going to Boulder to watch the Ags BTHO CU, the next week I'll be in FLORIDA, the weekend after Florida we're celebrating our 2 year anniversary (a month early) in Estes park, then we have the last 2 November weekends in Texas. Next thing I know it'll be December...time to chop down a tree, decorate for Christmas, and thennnnnn....

it'll be 2010! My favorite year ever :)

That little look-ahead made me tired, so I'm gonna go now :) Have a great weekend and a happy pumpkin day!!!

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