Oct 2, 2009

Halfway There!

It's double day Friday - you get two posts! Mostly because my interest in tax returns has hit a brick wall and fallen down, down, down. :)

Today was our 20 week appointment - 20 weeks is halfway. Can you believe it? I can't. I wonder which half goes faster...I mean in the literal sense they go the same right, 20 weeks is 20 weeks. But I wonder if the first half seems faster, cause you technically only know for 16 weeks (or less sometimes), or if the last 20 weeks seem faster because you are so busy with all the preparations. I guess I'll be able to tell you in 20 weeks!

Side note: Technically I'm not 20 weeks yet...19 weeks and 6 days to be exact. But, besides the doctor, the ultrasound technician, William and myself...who's' counting?

The appointment went well! This was the appointment where they did the long ultrasound to take all the measurements...measured his little arms, legs, hands, spine, spine-to-stomach, looked at his organs and...most importantly of all...measured his head. I say this is most important only because the technician reported that his head is exactly average for where a baby should be at 20 weeks. Hallelujah - he might not have Brian's head after all :) One view on the ultrasound screen showed the heart beating in red and blue and showed the flow of the blood around the heart - Austin got some pictures of that on our camera so I'll put those on facebook soon - very cool. He was, again, a stubborn little guy when Missy tried to get a nice profile view to put on our fridge. William seems to enjoy hiding his face in his hand! While she was trying to get the picture he was moving his mouth (which is cute as can be, by the way, and I'm not just biased...) and she said "Do either of you have big lips?" I said that mine are bigger than average, and when I was a kid people thought I looked like Vada on My Girl but really only my lips and nose (also big) looked like hers. Missy laughed and said "well, I think he has your lips" After she had taken all the measurements she said that they all came in at normal, the heart rate was perfect, his movement looked good and his organs all looked great so there were no concerns. She then congratulated me on a job well done. While I don't really feel like I've been doing anything, it was kinda nice to hear :)

Then it was time to see the doctor. She discussed a little more with us about all the measurements, again confirming everything looked fantastic and there were no abnormalities or concerns to note, and started talking about the hospital and my next few appointments. I mentioned that Missy had suggested I let her know my high birth weight (10 pounds 6 ounces) and Austin's birth weight (he was 7 pounds 1 ounce, but he was 4 weeks early so could have been 9 pounds) and the doctor looked in my records and found that my family has a history of diabetes. She said she was going to recommend that I do the glucose test (nasty sugar drink?) at 24 weeks instead of 28 and said that they'll closely monitor the baby's growth, especially over the last 8 weeks, to ensure he doesn't get too large.

I'd like to point out that at my 16 week appointment she ASSURED me I would be needle-free for 12 weeks. Then I got a phone call the next day saying I needed to increase my thyroid dosage, and I'd need to retest my thyroid at 20 weeks. So - needle. So, she tried to reassure me that I wouldn't have a needle until 28 weeks again today, but once she decided to move the glucose test up to 24 weeks that went out the window too. Thanks a lot Dr Russell, you're my favorite.

Ok no really - its good that things are monitored, I get it, blah blah. They tested my thyroid today so if that comes out clean we won't test it again until 28 but I still have the glucose test next time. Dr Russell also asked if I'd had the flu shot yet and, when I answered no, she asked if I was opposed. I said I wasn't, but that I just hadn't done it yet. She said "Well, then let's just do it today so you can't procrastinate anymore" What came immediately after made me feel like I was at the battle of bull run or something...two women came charging into the room with weapons in hand and wasted no time in strapping me down (ok maybe I just sat there) and jamming their weapons into my arm. By weapons, naturally I mean needles. I'll admit that the flu shot hurt WAY more in my distant memory of my last one than it did in actuality, but my arm is now throbbing so I guess its a trade off. Next I have to do H1N1...two shots...yippee. Hear the excitement in my voice.

So, that was our appointment for today. We got a few more pictures of our baby, got some free formula and a book about baby's first year (Austin suggested we steal all the free samples but I thought better), and I got to bring home a bottle of what looks like McDonald's orange soda to drink before my next appointment. It reminds me of Robert because when he was little he ALWAYS had "orange drink" He was such a precious little boy - had the cutest little face and voice :) Hopefully this drink, which I've heard is the worst thing I'll ever drink, doesn't taint my remembrance of Robert! Although, I can't imagine that this drink will be any worse than everclear...and I can't imagine it'll be harder to chug that than it was to chug a pitcher of beer to get my aggie ring...so I think I'll survive.

Ok - I really must go now. It's 12:30 and my list of accomplishments for the day is very short. Before I go - don't forget to watch the aggies BTHO (beat the hell outta...for you non aggies out there) Arkansas Saturday night at the Dallas Cowboys stadium at 6:30! Have a happy football-filled weekend :)

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