We didn't have any major plans other than getting William's closet organized and going to the mountains, so we just kind of let the rest of the weekend dictate itself. Friday after work I went to Container Store to get the closet stuff, then we had dinner and after dinner we went to Maggie Moo's for a banana split! We ordered a 'half split' to share, but the ice-cream-scooper offered to give us the regular for the price of the half since Austin is in the military. I think he just didn't want to have half of a banana sitting out for the rest of the night, but either way - works for me. It was delicious :) We had udderly cream, strawberry, and choco-mallow ice cream...have I ever written about how much I love Maggie Moo's? I doubt I have. I try to avoid the place as much as possible...liking ice cream isn't the healthiest thing, you know. But Austin offered, and I'd have been rude to resist, so I accepted just to be polite :)
Saturday morning Reagan woke me up bright and early (we're talking 4 am early) and I had trouble going back to sleep. It still baffles me that during the week I have NO trouble going back to sleep at 6:30, but on the weekends I seem to be wide awake at 5. I just laid in bed thinking about what we'd do all day, William's closet, football, etc - just thinking. I think I dozed off about 6 and then was woken up, by Reagan yet again, around 7:30. After breakfast I had Austin install the top-track for the closet, then I got the rest of the closet done. I'm sure large closets can take hours and hours to complete, but William's closet is pretty small so it went pretty fast. The longest part was trying to decide how far apart I wanted the shelves. When it was all done I was sad because it was so empty, but that didn't last long because one of Austin's coworkers gave us 3 boxes full of clothes, a high chair, a bouncer seat, and a jumper-thing on Saturday. The bigger items barely looked used (we'll need to clean them first, just for good measure, but they look pretty new!) and most of the clothes looked barely worn.
We didn't keep all of the clothes - some were stained or just not our style (my son is NOT wearing a hooters onesie, and especially not one that has words written in ebonics) so we have some of the clothes in a box to take to goodwill. We got them all sorted by size and I got them all washed (amazing how much more fun his clothes are to wash and fold than ours...) Most of the clothes were 12 months, then there were quite a big of 18-24 month, and some smaller clothes...I think that's a pretty good mix to get. We won't have to buy 12 month blue jeans, I know that much...she gave us 7 pair! I got 2 storage tubs to put under the guest bed, one for 12 month clothes and one for 18-24. For now I think we'll keep all of the clothes up to 12 months in his closet and/or dresser, and then swap them as he grows. Here are my two tubs of clothes, the bottom being 12 months and the top being 18-24:
The closet may not be easy to see - there is a top shelf, then the middle shelf is a basket separated into 3 sections, then under the basket there is a hanging rod that goes 1/2 way across and 3 shelves on the other half (those are above the diapers) We bought the diapers at Costco a few weeks ago - 260 diapers - sheesh that's a lot. Or it SEEMS like a lot :) They are size 2 - i THINK that is for 12-18 pounds, but I could be wrong.
The rest of Saturday was filled with relaxation - laying on the couch watching episodes of the Unit, some football games, and eating leftovers for dinner. Typically leftovers are my LEAST favorite thing to eat, but not cooking sounded sooooo nice...and it was. We had to get to bed at a decent time because we had to get up early to make it to the early service of church. Church starts at 8 and 10:30, but we usually go to the 10:30 service. I don't make it to WORK by 8, so the chances of making it anywhere at that time are just pretty slim. We did manage to get to church before the actual service began, though we did miss the announcements, so I was pretty impressed with my speedy preparations Sunday morning :) Maybe I was just SO excited to go up into the mountains that I popped right out of bed!
After church we drove up to Dillon, where Keystone ski resort is. There are only 2 ski lifts open right now, one at Loveland and one at A-basin, so the options aren't too diverse. Austin got the military season pass, which is 1/2 the price of a regular season pass, and it includes Keystone and A-basin. He met 2 of his friends there for an afternoon of skiing/sliding down mountains while I took in the GORGEOUS weather at the outlet mall nearby. I'm always up for looking at the Coach outlet, though I've never bought myself anything there, and I thought I should look for winter-accessories at the baby outlet stores to see if anything was on sale. Osh-Kosh b-gosh had a good winter sale going on, so I got some little blue mittens for $3, a pair of red corduroy overalls for $9, a thermal onesie to go with the overalls, and a onesie that says "Handsome like dad" which was on sale for $2. I know I just got finished saying I SHOULD resist buying clothes, but it was too cute to pass up :) The "handsome" onesie is for 6-9 months, or 9-12 I can't remember, but the rest was for him when he's born. I would say its my favorite outfit, but that seems to change with every new outfit. Anytime we buy or receive a new outfit, it becomes my new favorite...so I'll just say the red overalls are my favorite for now. And if he comes a week early, they'll be so festive for valentines :)
Austin determined on Sunday while we were talking to my mom that he will no longer be using the term "onesie". Austin is VERY concerned with things being "girly" (overly concerned, obsessed even) and anytime something looks, sounds, feels, REMOTELY feminine, William can not have it. I think this is a battle we'll fight for awhile...and one that we'll both probably win sometimes and lose sometimes. So I'll concede on the "onesie" topic and save my energy for fighting on something else...like the panda knit hat that William WILL be wearing. We're not sure what term he'll use in the place of onesie, but the options that are on the table are "full body armor", "bodysuit", "full body cloth thing" and "button in the crotch clothes" None of which sound girly at all, I have assured him :) Granted I'm not the one who had the issue with onesie to begin with, so what do I know?
Once I had browsed all the baby outlets (and only made the ONE purchase, be very proud) I went to Old Navy to get some shirts for Austin. He is never going to be mistaken for a fashionista or metrosexual man, that's for sure, but he has told me that he'd like to try to look a little nicer sometimes. The issue isn't really that he doesn't HAVE nicer clothes, its that he doesn't ever choose to wear them. He has pointed out that most of his non-button up shirts are related to either the Aggies, the Texans, or the Astros and he'd like to have some shirts that aren't button up, cause that's way too dressy for a day at the mall, but aren't just casual sports-tshirts either. So I found him some in-between shirts, as he called them, at Old Navy for very cheap.
To close out my day in the mountains I bought a new book at Borders, got a hot chocolate, and sat out on the balcony and read. I will admit that every page or 2 I was distracted by the beauty of Colorado, so I didn't get much reading done, but it was a wonderful day. The weather was perfect - sunny, not many clouds, 63 degrees, a little breeze - my kind of day. I tried to get a few pictures of the view on my phone, but I think the sun was TOO bright for the phone's capacity, so the pictures came out dark. I'll share anyway, just because I loved the view so much :)
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