Oct 1, 2009

CDC - Who do they Service?

The child care facility on Buckley is called the CDC - I'll refer to it as that from now on.

Last night we were talking with a soldier in Austin's company who has an 18 month old son at the CDC. She doesn't have one good thing to say about the CDC, but she's a single soldier and I think the cost of the child care of what keeps her there. It is significantly cheaper than other options - and you get what you pay for.

First, her son was recently sick with the swine flu because an employee came to work, knowing he was sick and exhibiting signs of at least a cold. He didn't know he had the flu, because he hadn't gone to the doctor. When 2 kids came up sick all the teachers got tested and he, too, was sick. I'm not sure what came of this - if the day care had any actions in response or if they are required to, I'm not familiar with those rules. But what kind of person goes to work at a day care knowing they are ill in any way?

Second, she told me about her issues with the hours of the day care. Austin had told me that it was a complaint, but he never heard the reasons why she was frustrated with the hours (or why EVERYONE is frustrated with the hours) Apparently no child is allowed to be at the day care for more than 40 hours in one week. If your child is there longer than 40 hours, you are charged, and if your child is there for 50 hours for 2 consecutive weeks he/she is kicked out of day care. There is a state law that if a child is at day care for 11 hours in one day without being contacted by the parent that the day care is required to call the police - ok, that's fine. 11 hours is more excessive, and if it wasn't part of the schedule set in place then that makes sense. But 40 hours? What full time job is less than 40 hours in a week? If I were to work the minimum 8 hour day and still take a lunch break, adding in my commute, I would be gone 50 hours every week. And this child care center is supposed to service the MILITARY...whose schedules are never under 40 hours.

Third, her most recent complaint is on potty training. Her son has started potty training at home and apparently was doing pretty well. Its a little early for that, but every child develops differently. She talked to the teachers at the CDC to see if they could work with her on it and they said they do not address potty training until 24 months. So what if a baby is ready before that? You just force them to be in diapers anyway? And then what's the point of helping your child develop at home if the day care won't work with you?

And last - this complaint is more on my side than hers - I believe the CDC is involved in price gauging. I don't know the rules on price gauging, or how you go about reporting it or what entities are subject to the laws...but this is just asinine to me. The CDC gives priority to single soldiers first, which I can understand. Then the priority goes to the lowest ranking dual-soldier households, then it goes to dual households with a civilian. Not only is priority set that way, but prices are as well! Austin and I would pay the highest rate at the CDC because he is an NCO and I make more than a certain amount as a civilian spouse. Really? Can they REALLY charge us more for the same CRAPPY level of care because we make more money? Maybe it isn't illegal- I don't know the legalities there - but it certainly isn't right in my eyes, and that in itself is enough to make me not interested in entertaining the possibility.

I have to say - I'm more relived than disappointed in the fact that the CDC is not a viable option for us. I refuse to pay double the amount someone else pays just because we make more money (even if the rate is still half of the Goddard rate) Even if that fact didn't bother me, though, it would just never work for Austin and I to arrange to have William at a day care for 40 hours or less in a week. I'd have to work 6am to 3pm(which doesn't work at my job) and Austin would have to drop him off at 7:15 before he goes into work at 7:30(which isn't ALWAYS his schedule). Not going to happen.

So - we're still in limbo on what to do for June-July. I told Brandon yesterday that we were already looking at day cares - he was shocked that we were looking so early. Had I known there was so much coordination involved we would have started even earlier. So far none of the options have openings right when we need it, so we still have to figure out what to do in the meantime. I know it'll work out - just gotta keep workin' on it!

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