Apr 12, 2010

Century Club!

I logged on to write my blog about William's godparents, but I realized that this is my 100th post and I didn't want it to go unnoticed. So - I am not part of the blogging century club.

Funny story about the concept of a century club. The former student's association at aTm enters members into the "century club" if they make annual donations to the association. This is aTm's name for its alumni club, for those of you who don't get the whole "once an aggie, always an aggie" thing :) So on the back of my trailblazer I used to have a sticker that said "Century Club".

When I first met Kaila and she saw my car she said "Wow, your college has an OFFICIAL century club?" I didn't get it at first, but soon realized she thought that term was referring to the wild and crazy (and stupid!!!) idea of college students all around to take a shot of beer every minute for 100 minutes. As you can imagine, many try and don't succeed so they can't call themselves members of the "Century Club". I had to explain to her that it was not related to the breeding of alcoholics.

So, I am now the member of 2 century clubs: Former Students and Blogging! Thanks for sharing in the journey with me :)

Now, onto godparents.......

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