Apr 12, 2010

Godparents: Decision Made

The decision was a hard one not because we couldn’t think of anyone who would take it as seriously as we do or who would do a good job, but because we couldn’t decide between the wonderful choices we had. But, we feel like we made a great choice for our first baby’s god parents, and I’d like to tell you a little more about them!

Its funny how the things we think may be the least significant in our lives end up being the most remarkable. After I graduated from high school a good friend of mine called and told me that his dad, who was the accounting controller (now the CFO) for an oil and gas company in Houston, needed another summer intern to do some work in the accounts payable department. I needed a job, he needed an employee - nice set up. I enjoyed the job so much that I called Mr. Wells and returned back to Rowan over Christmas break and the following summer, at which point he moved me from accounts payable to tax. It was in my second summer that I first met Brittany. She was the peer of who was supposed to be my “supervisor” but as events occurred throughout the summer, she ended up being my supervisor and what I didn’t know was that she would soon become a very, very good friend. I returned to Rowan every Christmas and summer from there on out and always requested to work for Brittany because I liked her so much as a supervisor, I learned so much from her, and overall I just liked her. I couldn’t have predicted, though, that 4 years after having met her she and her husband would be friends of my husband and I, and that they would be such a great support for me.

Neither Brittany or I seem to be terribly quick at making friends, so it took awhile for the relationship to move from just another office acquaintance to a friendship. One of the factors that helped move it along, though, was when we realized how well Austin and Michael got along. They shared similar interests, and the first time the 4 of us ate out Michael declared that I was “un American” because I said I didn’t care too much for apple pie. Austin had told me this time and time again, so he was immediately impressed that Michael not only saw it his way, but was happy to say so. (Side Note: I DO like apple pie, it is just not my favorite dessert. I will eat it, and I recently learned to make a delicious one myself thanks to Stef! - so I AM American. plus I married a soldier, I think that makes me exempt from all un-American jokes k?) Over time, the 4 of us began to meet for dinners, rodeos, hang out at the house and test out how to make cocktails...and the friendships blossomed.

A pivotal point in my friendship with Brittany came on the day that Austin left Maryland to go to Iraq. She had helped me get a job at the accounting firm she worked at, and on that day she had to run a few errands after work. She didn’t want me to have to go home by myself, but she also didn’t want to shed too much light on the obvious downer of the day, so she simply asked if I’d like to go along with her and run some errands. Afterwards, we had dinner at this fabulous restaurant (that neither of us can remember) and had great conversation with great wine. On the car ride home Austin called me to tell me he was boarding his plane to leave the states and would contact me as soon as possible. Neither of us being too mushy-mushy on emotional talk, Brittany didn’t say much as I hung up the phone. She just said, “We can talk if you want, or I can turn the radio up and blare Avril Lavigne so we can scream at the top of our lungs like BB and I do sometimes. Your choice”. Naturally I chose to blare the lyrics “Hey, hey, YOU, you I don’t like your girlfriend!” with the windows down and sunroof open, wind blowing in my face. We never talked about anything, but I always felt like that was a noteworthy moment in our friendship.

Michael is one of those irritatingly-likable people; the kind that everyone in the room just adores. It is impossible not to like Michael, and I think one of the reasons is because he is so good at making everyone feel individually special and important. For years Michael was, to me, Brittany’s husband. I assume that for those years I was, to him, Brittany’s friend and/or Austin’s wife. But in 2008 we went to the rodeo together and Brittany was hung up at work, and it was at this rodeo that I realized at some point we moved past being spouses of friends, or friends of spouses, and we had become friends of each other. We had a really nice time with their kids, and on Michael’s way back from the bathroom he handed me a wooden cross to hang on my wall. He didn’t say much, just “I thought it and I know you like crosses”. I don’t know when a gift has spoken such volumes to me. The cross is hanging in my kitchen, and every time I see it I am reminded of not only my friend’s husband, but my friend Michael.

We could not think of a couple that has been more influential in not only our lives but our relationship, so we felt like that was the best choice for William’s godparents. We know that they will help raise him knowing Jesus’ love as well as theirs. Thanks Brittany & Michael - we are so excited!

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