I am pretty busy at work this week so I don't have a lot of free blogging time. Ugh, if only my boss understood priorities in life. But, she doesn't. Therefore this may be the shortest William Wednesday post ever...sorry to disappoint. It shouldn't be AS big of a disappointment, though, as it was Monday morning when a few people tried to access my blog to find it was MIA. What a heart attack that caused! (more like 3 heart attacks for my most avid readers) So the silver lining here is that you won't fall on the floor in panic. You're welcome.

William's week in a nutshell:
HE CRAWLED TWO "SCOOTS" YESTERDAY. After his 2 little crawl "steps" I think decided scooting was faster, but he officially can crawl.
He does NOT like peas. Not at all. I have had them spit in my face, slowly run down his chin, and completely hurled onto my pants in the middle of the cafeteria at the strong bonds retreat. Ok William, I GOT IT.
He LOVES peaches. With as much passion as he hates peas. Can you blame him?
He loves to blow spit bubbles back and forth with me. He's getting pretty good at it, but really only likes it when I'm playing along. So I oblige.
Still the strongest kid in school. Well, not the entire SCHOOL, but his class anyway. Yesterday he crawled over to the bookshelf and pulled all of the tubs down, dumping the toys on the floor. Apparently these tubs are rather heavy, but I've never picked one up so I don't know. This morning I dropped him off at 7:00 (I HATED him being the first one in school!) and he went straight for the buckets. New hobby I suppose...uh oh.
Higher altitude affects his gas as much as it does Austin's and Brandon's. Made for a fun weekend in the mountains :)
Because he can now move around in his sleep, when sleeping in bed with us we are both constantly conscious to be sure not to let him kick us off the bed. Literally.
Still loves him some Nancy Cat.
Last but certainly not least, he can now ride in the shopping cart without his car seat! Maybe he could have before, I don't know. I just never tried it :) His expression here is awesome - he was pretty marveled at this new vantage point on Target.
I think that about sums up his week. So sorry that this wasn't long, drawn out, wordy, and more time consuming...I know you were probably looking for a little bit more of a break from work/daily tasks. Will do better next time I promise. (can't promise, though, if next time will be anytime before next Wednesday...)
Oh what the heck, how about a few more pictures?
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