Sep 14, 2011

Am I the only one?

**due to time constraints WW will be posted tomorrow**

Today at work we were discussing the weather change when one of my coworkers griped about how her husband is so horrible at dressing their child. They have a daughter 3 months older than William. Another coworker chimed in that her husband is also, and they don't see how their husbands can squeeze the kids into clothes 3 sizes too small, or think it's ok for their shirts to hang to their knees because they are so big.

They looked at me and asked if Austin is as bad at dressing William.

My response: I'm still stuck on where your husbands find these clothes that don't fit? Why don't they just grab clothes from the closet?

So apparently of the 5 parents at the table, I am the only one who does a complete closet overhaul every-time my child outgrows his clothes.

Is that normal?

I have an old diaper box at the bottom of the closet and as clothes are too small I drop them in there. Once it is clear that it isn't just two or three items that were just small for the size, and that he in fact has outgrown a size, I go through and pull out anything else that size. Unless of course it seems to run big. Then sometime in the near future I box it up and put it in the crawl space.

Am I the only one who abides by this system? I never think I do things weird until a table full of people stare at me like I'm a Martian.

But hey, at least my kid isn't wearing last year's winter coat today, with sleeves that stop at his elbows. Obsessions come in handy.

- manda

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