That is to say - William had his first sleepover without mommy at his fun uncle brian's house. Uncle brian's house where there are no rules, no bedtimes, no poopy diapers...
Oops, broke that last one.
This weekend I had a wedding to attend in golden and a few friends flew in for it, so saturday morning bright and early William and I headed down to Colorado springs to drop him off. Immediately he and Brian started playing their couch game as I tried diligently to explain where his diapers were, his bath stuff, extra clothes in case he got dirty, instructions...
My words were lost. Who needs instructions for fun play time? Silly mommy.
That was by far the highlight of william's week! Sunday Brian brought him home in time for all of us to watch the texans game (and tell go texans go!) William smiled when he saw me, but that was about it. He was perfectly happy with uncle Brian, I was there or not- didn't matter.
Don't misunderstand my humor there - my feelings aren't hurt that I was expendable. I'm william's mommy, I know that. And no amount of fun or freedom in the world will ever change that. Or the fact that he needs mommy sometimes. But I love that he has such a great connection with his uncle and that he has family so close by.
The rest of the week has been Pretty normal. I've worked a little late every night so miss Kim has taken William home with her until I can make it there. We've still been home in time for bath so it isn't crazy crazy hours, but it does mean I have no fun stories or pictures.
Kim did comment yesterday on his speech and communication. She said she can't believe how well he communicates and how much his vocabulary has grown in the past month. It's just so crazy how fast it's happened!!! He was slightly behind on his speech - not to a concerning level yet, but just not quite as up to speed as others his age. Then in a matter of weeks he surpassed some of his little friends!!!
One of his favorite ways to build his vocabulary is with a sesame street book miss jan gave him. It came from the $1 bins at target (best marketing scheme EVER!) and it's the simplest book. It is called 'murray's book of words' and literally the premise of the book is to flip the page and identify items. I thought he'd find it boring with no story line, but I guess I'll leave the child psychology and development to the experts. He loves it! 4 weeks ago the only word he knew in the book was Elmo. Now he points out:
Big bird
Pretty soon he'll know all the labeled words and he'll start identifying new things on his own. I love having him read the book to me, nice change of pace and it's too precious how proud he is to be able to read it just like mommy. (and daddy and Corinne and cici and Brian and everyone else who has been suckered into murray's vortex)
Oh, and yesterday he learned 'jacket' and therefore wants to wear it all the time. Even in his 69 degree bedroom. Jacket? Jacket? Jacket? Hmm, maybe I need to invest in a lighter weight one...Because this was the crying face I got when I took the jacket off!

I am looking forward to getting back to our normal schedule this week so I can take pictures and tell more fun stories :)
- manda
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