We had a blast this week. Patty came to visit this weekend and to say William had a crush would be an understatement. He even developed a special face just for patty. She loved it, he knew it, and he milked it. Anytime I'd say 'William can you say patty?' he'd just tilt his head sideways and give her his special patty-look.
He also quickly learned how to get patty wrapped around his finger. Anytime he made a whimper she was there to give him whatever he needed. (ahem: wanted) all I can say is - patty, where are you now?!
Brian came up on Sunday for football and lawn mowing and he showed up just in time. William was having trouble being content with anything but once we opened the door and saw Katy barreling in and Brian a few steps behind, he was singing a new song. He loved cuddling with Brian on the couch and yelling 'go go go go go go'. That's his new cheer this week :)
But once patty and Brian were gone was when I began seeing myself in William. We both had a tough time saying bye to them and were both a little blue that evening. William has developed a little bit more separation anxiety lately which I hear comes as they near 2, and I knew that we had an empty calendar for the next few weeks so we both were sad to have an empty house.
Then Monday I saw William throw a fit of all fits. I could throw a fit in my heyday (not saying my heyday is over) and he rivaled me for sure. Everything was wrong. He was mad I got him out of bad. Irate at the thought that I'd think of changing his diaper. I picked bad clothes (he fittingly wanted his Oscar shirt) and the rest of our morning went that way too. Tuesday morning brought on a similar, though less severe, fit so I decided that he may be tired of rushing out the door first thing in the morning. So, always thinking, today I decided to change up our morning routine and I woke him up early to let him relax, watch an episode of some goofy kid show, and enjoy some eggs and sausage.

It made all the difference in the world.
I've had a few conversations with the owner of Goddard this week about a few small concerns I've had since miss Cassie left, and we also discussed william's upcoming transition to the hippo (2 yr old) room. I got nervous, anxious, upset - deja vu to his transition into zebras just 7 months ago. Then Brooke said something interesting. She said:
William builds such strong bonds with people and my staff just adores him to pieces. He has trouble sometimes with change and transition, so I've debated bumping his move to hippos up a few weeks to avoid a strong bond with our new zebra teacher. He's just such a lover, we all talk about it. We don't want to make it harder for him.
Well well well. My son not only throws fits, but he's resistant to change. Sounds a little familiar...
I wanted to know the opinion of someone who knows him on a higher level so last night I had a long conversation (2+ hours) with miss Cassie. We talked about lots but the main point was to get her take on some issues and on my conversation with Brooke. We got onto the topic of hitting and biting and other coping mechanisms and Cassie said, 'what I love most about William is how well he communicates. Some kids bite, some hit, some cry in the corner and some give up on what they want. Not William. He knows what he wants, he knows what he doesn't want, and he knows how to make sure to communicate that message.
Ok so fits, change averse, and strong willed and stubborn?
But a little self discovery wasn't all the fun of the week. We also had some other fun stories:
~be careful passing gas in front of him, especially if you're kneeling down. He will relentlessly try to check your diaper and repeatedly say poo poo. I'm not saying this happened to me, I'm just saying.
~ in the truck last night he warmed and broke my heart. He kept repeating 'dada home' as he looked at his picture
~ he carried a baby wipe around and wiped the noses of all of his elmo's, Layla, and Nancy. He tried Reagan but - well you know Reagan.
~ he and arianna kissed goodbye on the lips. That's all I'm gonna say about that.
~ he asks to talk to papa and yaya a lot, and tonight he had a lot of fun on FaceTime with them. He put on a little show
Austin's cousin Kelly sent William a new shirt and hat, and he sure loved the hat!

He's my little ham and when he smiles like that I barely even remember the morning's fits :) I look forward to learning more an more about the personality God gave him and learning how to be the best parent I can for him. A face like that deserves it!!!
- manda
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