Mar 9, 2012


Good morning! I hope this finds you nestled comfortably in your work chairs, coffee in hand ready to tackle the last day of the work week. Yay!

It has been brought to my attention that my amateur status as a logger is apparent. Were I a professional blogger, or even a true dedicated blogger, I would have carved out half an hour each morning of my vacation, perhaps after my morning workout (which fell by the way side in week 2 by the way) to sit and blog. Maybe I'd sit on the porch of the beach house looking out at the water until motivation for a topic came to me.

But, I'm not a professional. While I would like to be, I don't have the audience or the content to be a professional.

I have recently toyed with a few ideas that would be leaps of faith and bolder jumps than I've generally taken, but for now I'm holding back. I have thought of doing a giveaway to raise interest and grow my reader group, I even have the blog all written out and ready to go, but I haven't pulled the trigger yet. It's one of those things that is fun in my head but if I do it - what if I fail? Or worse, what if it goes better than expected and I am on a journey which I am not really prepared for? Paving a path I hadn't intended. It's funny to think that getting what I want could be so scary, but it is. For a safe risk -averse person like myself it is.

Another idea I have toyed with, with the great support and encouragement from potentially my first client, is opening an organizing blog and starting work as a professional organizer. This one gets my glassy eyed like a kid in a candy store, but I know this would be a money sucker for me until the business was profitable and I'm not sure I have the means for that right now. But i have still thought of playing around with it and seeing how it would go - maybe even joining the NAPO - the national association of professional organizers. Did you know there is such a group? Because I've stalked their website for years.

So I apologize for my lack of writing while on vacation. Maybe one day I will be like the wonderful women of blogosphere who have put their blog higher on their priority list. Maybe when I have more than 10 readers :) (not to say I don't love each and every one of you)

The good news here is that tomorrow we begin our journey back to Colorado and I surely will have lots to write about. If I don't, I promise to just make things up.

Happy Friday and have a good weekend. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Pinterest is making it easier than ever for blogs to take off rapidly! Start your organizing blog and I volunteer to help pin your stuff all over :) hehe
