Mar 19, 2012

MM: Making Progress

We have officially applied for housing. And guess what? Last week Austin was selected for promotion to E7!!! He isn't officially promoted yet, but he will be sometime this year. We are waiting to hear back if they will approve for us to live in E7 housing right away or if we will have to move into an E6 house, so keep your fingers crossed.

As of now though, we know what our house will be like if we have to live in E6. It is a 1722 square foot duplex. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bath, 2 car detached garage. It isn't my dream home but it sure beats the 1175 sq foot 2 bedroom we could have gotten!!! So I'll take it. Besides, I've realized how much extra crap we have accumulated over the last 5 years in our 1630 square foot house...I can only imagine the excess we would accrue in a larger home. So I'm ok with it :)

Some notes on the house:

There is a balcony of the master bedroom which excites me. I have big plans for setting up our TRX band and working out on the balcony. Hope it works!!! I loved working out on the porch in Galveston.

The master bedroom is 3 feet wider than ours now, has a walk in closet and a larger vanity in the bathroom. That excites me a LOT. The Only Complaint I've ever had about our house is the master area so this is an improvement! No more large bathtub - but I'm sure I fit into a standard sized'll just be a slight adjustment.

There is a large 'dining and den' area across from the kitchen which is separate from the living room so I have high hopes of our living room not looking like a shopping mall for Thomas the Train. Maybe it'd be possible to contain that a little further back in the house...where you don't trip on Percy as you enter. Maybe :)

There is more storage in the house than a lot I've seen and the garage has a little extra space so that's awesome. That will come in handy considering the mound of baby paraphernalia and army gear in our crawl space below our house. It's all organized - but that doesn't change how crowded it is!!!

All in all, we definitely would have loved more of an upgrade in our living conditions but somehow just having some sort of concrete plans makes it all more exciting. Maybe it isn't the home of our dreams but we are excited to have a home for our next adventure!!!

- manda

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