Dec 12, 2012

William Wednesday

William's funniest moments of the week:

1. Saturday Casey text me to see if I'd want to meet her at the wharf for lunch.  Austin had plans (which I can't even remember what they were...) so I said William and I would love to!  I then went and asked William, "Do you want to go with mommy and see Ms Casey and puppy rooney at the wharf for lunch?"

William:  Ms Casey would LOOOOOOVE that!

Casey's interpretation of his comment: My presence is a priviledge!

We were cracking up.

2. He told me, while playing with one of his hot wheels trucks, "This is the best truck I've seen in the whole world"

William's smartest moments of the week:

1. On the toy aisle of target I pointed out the Molly train from Thomas (we don't know the trains by the movies, he doesn't really watch them anymore, but I just see their names on the packages).  William pointed right at the name and said, "M O L L Y - molly".

2. William wanted to play with his train tracks before school today and I didn't want to get them all down so I said, "William how old are you?"  "I'm 2"  "ok, you can have 2 train tracks"  Without missing a single beat he says "I'm almost 3!!! I need 3!"

William's sweetest moments of the week:

1. Last night when we were reading him books before bed he was laying perfectly in between the two of us.  After books were done he turned to Austin and said, "Dada, can I cuddle right by you?" as he curled up into a ball right next to him.

2. Before I left his school one morning he said, "Mommy I just need to give you onnnnnne more hug.  onnnnnne more mommy".

Fun week!!!


  1. Casey's Dumbest Moment of the Week:

    1) Here William, play with this sharp object.
    2) Let me hot glue my FINGERS TOGETHER as I craft my wreath.

    Casey's Smartest Moment of the Week:
    1) ...

    Well. We can't all be as perfect as William.

  2. This is true. Don't worry though, he reminds me often.
