The biggest part of the last week (or 2) for William was his ear surgery. And he was a rock star! We had to wake up at 5:15 which is no different than a normal workday, but there's something about having a day off and still waking up before the sun that just irks me. William woke up around 5:30 and we had to be out the door at 5:50. We got through the check-in and into the waiting area before he realized that he had been awake over an hour without food/bottle - and at that point he wasn't terribly happy with us. We walked around, let him walk around (which was pretty cute with his socks on the slippery floor) and let him play in the baby crib to try to occupy him. Surgery was set for 7:15, but the doctor didn't show up until almost 8. William let him know what he thought of that for sure!
The hardest part by far was handing him over to the nurse and watching her carry him down the surgical hallway. The nurse who checked us in had teased me by saying "So is either one of you going to go back with him?" My eyes lit up as I said, "YES! I didn't know we were allowed!" She looked down at his chart and said, "Oooohhh, he's under a year...I'm so can't" WHAT? What a tease! But, by the time I had stopped crying from them carrying him away, sat down and pulled out my magazine Dr Lewark came out to let us know he was done and still sleeping. He talked a little about how it went, said William did well and that the nurse would be out to let us know once he was awake. 10 seconds later, the nurse came out and said "he's up, and I hope you have a bottle!" He was SCREAMING! His face was splotchy from all his screams and cries. Poor baby! But, once I sat in the rocker with him and gave him his bottle he was a happy camper.
We got to spend the rest of the day at home and less than 2 hours after the surgery he was acting like nothing had ever happened. Austin thinks he could even hear us better that soon after the procedure. His wonderful godparents had sent him an early Christmas present and since it arrived on his surgery day, we decided it was a surgery present so we opened it (with their permission of course) It's the coolest black and decker tool bench ever!!! He loves it, especially the hammer. We had to teach him that we don't hammer on Layla though :) It said it's for ages 3+ but we made sure he can't get any small parts so he'll have awhile to grow with it. Once he's a little older with more coordination we can loosen the screws and show him how to use his screwdriver to tighten them. It pretty much rocks :)
We also have had a lot of fun practicing his walking. He is getting so good and he loves walking back and forth between us. He gets so proud! He's stood on his own a few times, especially when he's had one tool in one hand and another tool in the other. His face looks like he's his mind is thinking "OK, I've got my hammer, the table to hold onto, and I want that screw driver. Do I drop the hammer? Heavens no. The table must go" Then he just stares at the 2 tools in his hand, as if to say "I figured out the puzzle!" He tried taking a step one day when he was standing on his own, and that step turned into a near face plant. But he was still proud!
This week he's started drinking his breakfast formula out of a sippy cup instead of a bottle. Miss Kim says he loves it, so she's thinking of moving his lunch formula to a sippy cup too. She said he's early, but he does well and likes it so its good to get him transitioned. I SWEAR he just wants to do what Helen does. I just need to teach Helen to say "mama" and then I'd be happy :)
Last weekend Austin and I went out to a country bar with some friends and Mr. Scott watched William. Austin said Scott was talking about how much fun they had all day at work on Sunday. Scott's son Jake, who is 4, was apparently so excited for the baby to come but when we got there he kept hiding behind the couch. I think he was waiting for William's annoying parents to leave :) Scott said Jake showed William all of his toys and William was just in awe, watching Jake play.
OH - and he has 2 teeth now! Babies are supposed to get the bottom 2, then the top 2, but William wanted to be a snaggle toothed boy so he has the lower left and upper right teeth. The other 2 are just waiting in the wings, I'm sure. It's really weird to feed him with a spoon and feel the teeth, or let him drink my water and hear the teeth clanking against the glass. I wonder if he thinks its weird?
I don't know if you remember my post from our anniversary trip last year (I'm sure you don't, actually) but when we were in Estes Park we bought William a stuffed puppy. We call him doggie. When we bought it, it was the size that the doctor estimated William was, so it was fun to curl up doggie and try to see how he possibly could fit in my tummy. Well, now doggie is William's favorite toy and it's pretty fun to see how excited he gets. He gets ALMOST as excited to see doggie as he does to see Nancy. Last night I worked until 8 so I missed bedtime. When I got home William was laying completely on top of doggie in his crib, doggie's paws sticking out from underneath, and he had his face snuggled into doggie's. If I wasn't afraid of waking him I would have gotten a picture, it was too sweet. I had to wash doggie last weekend, and I'm guessing I'll need to wash him again soon. He gets looooots of lovin', which means lots of snot and drool.
We finally hung pictures from William's newborn photo shoot on Monday night - can you believe how much he's grown and changed?! 
It's been the most amazing 9 months and I am so excited for every little step along the way as he grows. I'm keeping a log of what I'm thankful for every day on facebook, but every day I just want to write "I'm thankful for William". Definitely the shining point of my life!!!
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