Nov 3, 2010

9 Months Old

9 months ago today I was in a daze in a hospital room with this new little baby who fit so perfectly in one arm, curled up smaller than a soccer ball. I had no idea how I was going to know what he needed, when he needed it, what to do or how to take care of him. This morning I lifted that baby out of his crib while he was still sleeping and had to firmly hold him with both arms as his legs dangled below my waist and his head rested on my shoulder. So much changes in 9 months!!! And somehow I've managed to figure out how to take care of him!

To get the less-fun part of his week out of the way first - we had the appointment with the ENT last Thursday. As far as the appointment goes, he was a rockstar. He let this strange woman wake him from his nap, insert weird things in his ears, close him in an air-tight chamber with little lighting...and he cooperated with all of it! They found his hearing has not been effected by the ear infections/ear drums so that was good news. His ear drums were very inverted and there was a large amount of pressure coming from his internal ear pulling at the ear drum. The doctor did recommend tubes, so we have that scheduled for next Wednesday. I liked the doctor very much! As he was explaining the procedure he said, "I can tell you that this is the easiest, most routine thing I do in my job, but I know you're a mom and that doesn't change your worries. I can tell you that you've already done the most dangerous thing for your baby that you will do that day, which is put him in the car and drive with him, but I know that doesn't help either." His ability to level with me and understand my concerns, regardless of how rational they are or aren't, made me pretty comfortable with him. Plus he said William is his cutest patient ever...true or not, that always helps :) So, that's where we are with his ears.

As for the rest of his week, WHAT A BLAST IT WAS. I think it was one of my favorite weeks to date. This weekend we had made plans to have no plans. Sounds funny to some people, but I am a fast-paced kind of person and constantly planning something...planning my next move, my next trip, my next purchase, my next to-do list, my next to have a laid back weekend with nothing to do requires that I make plans for it. So, we did! And it was awesome.

William really took great strides in his walking this weekend. Saturday I think we spent between 30-45 minutes just letting him walk with his walker-toy back and forth across the living room. **side note: if you can think of a cooler name than "walker-toy" please let me know** He would get frustrated when he'd get to one end and we had to turn him around, but by the end of the day he had figured out how to turn with the toy (we have to actually turn the toy, but he can walk with it as it turns) We can also tell that he is figuring out that there is a way to get from point A to point B without getting on the floor and crawling - he is getting more and more creative with what he uses to help himself walk. It used to be that to get from the coffee table to daddy's chair he had to crawl, but now he walks to the end of the coffee table, grabs onto his jumparoo to walk to the back of the chair, then uses the chair to walk to daddy's lap. It isn't faster, but it shows that he's learning about walking rather than crawling. Like I've said before, it is beyond incredible to watch him learn. You can literally see it in his face as he discovers new things. Then Monday morning at school they had a brand new walking-toy. This one is wide enough for 2 babies at once and guess what little William did? I put him down, he crawled over to the walking toy where Helen was playing, and nudged her over a little bit so they could walk together. Miss Jennifer said they walked together on that thing all day!

Friday William slept through 3 halloween celebrations! Well, not completely I guess. A friend picked him up at day care and brought him up to my work so he could tromp around here in his dinosaur/dragon costume. He fell asleep on his way over here and it took a little bit for him to wake up. Then I took him BACK to Goddard for a halloween parade, which he slept through entirely. Then we went to Austin's work for their halloween celebration. He woke up at some point when we were there and Austin had fun playing with him in his office. I have some cute pictures but I can't find my cord for my camera to plug into the computer! I have a specific place I always keep it and it isn't there. I know I didn't put it somewhere else, so one of the other 5 living creatures in my house must have. Reagan, Nancy and Layla do not have opposable thumbs or the ability to stand on hind legs, and William isn't tall enough to reach the shelf where the cord belongs. But I'm not blaming anyone here. Point is, once I find it I will have an entire blog post of just pictures I think.

Sunday William and I went to Petco to grab some drugs for Reagan (drugs, feel-away pheromones...same thing) and there were quite a few people with their dogs. He loved it! He gets so excited when he sees pets and he lets out this high-pitched squeal. The louder the squeal, the more excited he is. Nancy gets the best squeal of all :) He still adores her! Last night he was rolling around on top of her and she just laid there letting him beat her up. I've never seen such a tolerant cat - and its a good thing cause there's no keeping him away. Reagan has even started to some-what warm up to him. He let William pet him through the baby gate. This is major progress!

This weekend we also discovered that he DOES like little puff-foods. I had tried some a few weeks ago and the scene was so traumatic (or dramatic, one of the two) I think it must have just been the flavor though because this weekend we bought some cinnamon-maple puffs and he gobbles them up. It's the cutest thing to watch little babies try to put food in their mouths. It takes an entire hand! The downside to the puffs though is that the entire room smells like maple syrup, so basically I've been craving pancakes since Saturday. He also likes yogurt melts(little globs of dried yogurt). The first time he tried them I think the texture was weird for him, and i think it confused him how the solid food melted in his mouth. He kept his hand over his mouth the entire time he gnawed on it, as if he thought it was going to fall out. He has since figured out that once the yogurt melt is IN his mouth he doesn't need his hand anymore though :)

I've been trying to get William to wave for awhile, and he never seemed remotely interested. Then Monday morning after he joined Helen on the walker I waved goodbye to him and he raised his arm and lifted his hand in the wave position. He gave me a big grin, then lowered his arm again. He didn't move his hand at all, but I'm pretty sure he was waving :)

5 hours later, I think I'm done with this week's update. I had to pause for meetings and working out, so I didn't write for 5 hours straight but I feel like I just vomited William all over you. Sorry for the lengthy update - it was just such a fun week, I had to get it all in! Oh man I forgot the best part of the add or not..................ok really quick.....

I'M WILLIAM'S FAVORITE PARENT for now. I know people say this changes periodically, but it is such a treat to be on this side of the favoritism with him. Austin is not very much enjoying which I say "talk to me in 5 months". :)

Ok, I'm done. Have a happy Wednesday.

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