When I was little I used to play poses – which meant I grabbed one of my many purses and walked around the house filling it up with random things. Then I’d move it all from one purse to another and continue the game. It was a running joke that if something in the house was missing you would find it in the bin under my bed where my purses were all stashed. I never really grew out of the fetish, though I no longer randomly walk around hacking things off the coffee table never to be found again. Now I just play poses every couple of days, rotating between either the purse that best matches my outfit or one of my favorite purses – whichever is more fitting.
The point here is that I love purses – always have. I mostly love small purses, though bigger ones have found their way into my life. I like unique (read: weird) purses like the ones that look like Chinese takeout containers or the ones make of cigar boxes. I like patterned purses and colorful purses and purses that are a little more “out there” than the rest of my personality. Another appealing feature: pockets. The more pockets the better, and if they are hidden or secret or elusive in any way it’s like a bonus. My least favorite purses in my collection are the solid brown and solid black ones – just too plain for me. I prefer to leave that adjective to describe my wardrobe.
So I’m sure you can guess that I am not really what you’d call “in need of” a new purse. Certainly not in need of a new brand to follow! While Coach is sliding off my radar (for reasons I will not publicly announce) I still hold strong to my liking for Fossil, Nine West, Brighton, and other miscellaneous purses that just put a twinkle in my eye. I don’t really NEED another brand to ooo and aahhh over or add to my Christmas list.
But I found one!
I was at Macy’s shopping for a friend’s birthday and I passed by the clearance table in the purse section. Complete accident. I didn’t have to walk past the check out to get there at all. And there I saw it. A table with a collection of bright colored, somewhat oddly shaped purses of all sizes with a name I’d never heard before: Kipling. They have solid colors, stripes, weird patterns, dark colors, bright colors…they are not afraid of the color wheel that’s for sure. And, to add to their allure, they each have a cute little monkey keychain attached. By “cute” I more mean “odd and kind of ugly but in the cutest of ways” – most important part here is that it’s just a unique little trademark. My downfall. They are more sporty and outdoorsy, not quite the type of purse you’d take on a job interview or probably not even to work, but I love them! They had iPad cases, camera cases, small purses, big purses, travel totes, wallets, etc. A little empire settled at the corner of the purse section.
Luckily, stronger than my urge to drool over purses is my inability to take the plunge and actually BUY myself a purse. That’s right. I don’t buy purses. I just love them to a degree that spurs other people to buy them for me. It’s either that I’m that great of a manipulator, or they just love the sparkle in my eye when I see a new one. (like the AMAZING one I got for Christmas that is oh so me and another brand of which I’d never heard that is ALSO now on my radar) I’m not being greedy – I don’t really expect it – I just can’t seem to do it for myself. If it’s cheap ok sure, but did you see the names of the brands I generally gravitate to? Not often do I find one that is cheap enough for my wallet. So, I grabbed the cutest little wallet (that is my entire purse today) marked down from $25 to $11 and walked out gazing longingly the entire way.
Here she is – my wallet/purse of the day…

Great pocket structure don’t you think? $11 well spent.
Don’t worry though. I was sure to drill the name into Austin’s head. And now yours.
Just in case you're bored.
- manda
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